This might be the beginning of something beautiful. We’re all aware by now the second Humble Indie Bundle is, letting you give from the heart for charity. But behold; a wild humble bundle appears!

Noobfeed YAWMA Indie Bundle PWYW
Cheap games: Still awesome


YAWMA has teamed up with some indie peeps and is now offering their own bundles, with 25% going to charity. But there is a slight twist, or original use of the term: Instead of just games, each game given comes with an equally indie artist cd. Also, each game will come out on a separate day, so you’ll have to check back for them.

The charitable bundles that also apply the ‘Pay What you Want (PWYW)’ concept will come out in the schedule below, with those artists and games:


·         Days 1 & 2: Max and the Magic Marker + Twin Sister - REVIEW

·         Days 3 & 4: Beat Hazard + Girl Talk - REVIEW

·         Days 5 & 6: Multiwinia + Black Moth Super Rainbow - After 2 and a half hours of browsing through faqs, forums, help threads and adjusting more settings that are healthy for a configuration, I've come to terms with Multiwinia not being compatible with Windows 7. There will be no review. On the bright side: I don't have to listen to that awful album now.


Granted, I haven’t heard of a single of these indie artists and the download is in single format, instead of an album, but you can give whatever you feel. Did I mention charity?  In addition, the last day will feature a last secretive bundle, so there’s still hope that you can score the new Circle Takes The Square record!

Enjoy the Indie promo pitch.


I wish all charities granted you incentives you actually cared about, instead of just guilt tripping us all into releasing the money from our clutches. I’m sure this is the most beneficial way for all parties involved.

‘Tis the wonderful season, people. Feel the love.

Update 24/12: The Secret Bundle is a doozey. Not only do you now get 2 games for the price of one, with Aztaka and Maner Wars: 2081, you’ll also receive the 2 soundtracks for those games. But you’ll also receive twice as many indie albums, with The Balconies and Clothes Make The Man. To those of you that were counting, that’s a total of 6 items and more music you could shoehorn into a small duckling’s face. As of writing, you still have 6 more hours to complete a purchase. Happy holidays y’all.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

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  • Pay what you want the best thing since free stuff?

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • I doubt I'll go for this bundle, I havn't even heard of any of these games. Still this whole charity thing is pretty cool.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • @WillX47: I was just on my way to recommend the second bundle, it's great fun. Will try to write up the review now, but for everyone watching this: The second bundle (up now) os probably the best one.

    And it's pay what you want; pay 10cents if you're uncertain and pay more if you liked it.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

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