Blog Number 3001!

Other by BiZZy on  Jan 16, 2011

Just to let you know that I still follow the stats ;) :P Truth be told, it needed more time for last thousand blogs (2000 - 3000) than the earlier thousand blogs (1000 - 2000). Anyway, it's not a big deal.


I used to update Level blogs every month but now that is unnecessary as Level doesn't change that frequently. Is there any other stat (Levels, Emblems, Friends, Posts, Comments, Blogs, Tags, Poll Votes or Visited stat) of which you'll like to see the update. fishdalf updated Emblem hunters blog only once ever since Tanya's departure & that was way ago in July. Not to tell about the other stats. If you want update of any of the above mentioned, I can do that for you :)


Anyone loves Tennis here? If you do, head here before the first Grand Slam of the year starts.


It's good to see a lot of people joining here recently & also great to see one of our old Mod kelaidis getting back to action with a bang :D Please welcome two of our latest members Davidpro & extremeven :)

Mustafa Ruhun Nabi

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