Dota Underlords Heroes Tier List
There's a lot to learn in Dota Underworlds, so here's a tier list to get you started in the world of auto-chess.
by Daavpuke on Jul 02, 2019
Move over, battle royales, as the age of auto-chess has arrived and is sweeping the screens of many a PC gamer. Originating from a mod in Dota 2, the genre has since exploded in several directions, seemingly overnight. There’s a mobile version, a League of Legends version called Teamfight Tactics and, as the original mod team has moved to Epic Games, a Valve-created version of the game, renamed as Dota Underlords. As we’ve been spending time with the latter, our old strategy game senses have kicked in and we’ve won and lost tons of boards.
So, in the interest of spreading the message, we’ve distilled all our playtime and experience into a handy tier list for every available chess piece! Thanks to the Tiermaker site, it’s never been easier to put this image together. The Dota Underlords tier list can be seen below:
Note that the qualifiers for the choices were discussed and researched live on Twitch for an extended period of time. In short, heroes are ranked primarily for their overall viability in the game, as well as their individual impact, as compared to their need for pairing with synergies that unlock their true potential. For instance, choices with the Scrappy alliance don’t rank very high, due to the unlikely nature of pulling for a full set. Additionally, lower tier heroes aren’t necessarily a terrible choice, rather than being a low probability of long-term success.
The tier list is aimed primarily for more casual players of Dota Underlords who want to get their foot in the door and have a cheat sheet that quickly represents a hero’s power, without having to dive into the statistics. Trying to learn what heroes do what and how much impact they can have takes time and practice, so this should help line that up. Damage per second (DPS) and tanking potential were already calculated in the tier list as well, so it’s only a matter of reading up on individual skills.Everyone can find their favorite way to play from mixing viable heroes with their picks of choice. Personally, the Arc Warden and Crystal Maiden combo is some of the best, silliest time you can have with Dota Underlords, particularly with a Refresher Orb on Arc Warden.
Some choices were surprising, even for us! So, feel free to let us know in the comments if you agree or disagree with any particular tier list picks.
Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)
Editor, NoobFeed
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