Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Races

Other by Canana on  Aug 13, 2011


I'm currently doing a 24 hours race but I'm sad. I wanted to play some games today but due to the endurance race I can't . What I can is to let you know about a few things. But I don't want to share much because I don't want to get moderated. I'll leave it to you. A forum contest is going to happend soon and the prizes are: 

- A trip to the Bermuda Triangle with Megan Fox
- Diablo 3
- L.A. Noire PC version
- Gears of War 3 PC/PS3/X360/Wii version 
- A funktastic pink version of PS3/X360/Wii

I can assure you that one of the prizes above is real, so stay tuned for more and thanks for the support. 

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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