Horace - How to Defeat the Egyptian Boss
Defeat a machine from Egypt
by Grayshadow on Oct 21, 2020
Horace will take the robot and his friends to Egpyt but due to the natives, hostility will have to face a massive machine. Here's how to beat it.
The machine will move back and forth, tossing spike balls and rocks. Using the rocks, toss them into the chamber of the machine. During the second phase, the machine will start to move slower but shoot fireballs in a star pattern but have the same weakness. The best thing is to remain far away and toss the rocks from a distance as being too close will make it impossible to slip through the fireballs.
In its final state, the machine will position itself at the center of the stage. It'll start tossing boulders into the water to create mini waves. You'll have to dodge these while trying to hurl rocks into the chamber. The best opportunity is after the second major wave when the machine is at its lowest. This will destroy it.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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