How Gaming Can Be the Glue All Families Need

Opinion by Nilin on  Nov 29, 2023

The online gaming universe has provided countless hours of entertainment for so many people. In the digital age, gaming has evolved from a solo activity playing Space Invaders or Pac-Man on arcade machines into a dynamic and communal experience that brings people together. In fact, it has become a powerful tool for building and reinforcing family connections. Many parents can easily raise an eyebrow at the concept of video gaming as being beneficial at all. But let's show you some of the ways in which gaming can indeed benefit families as a complete unit.

Online Gaming, Gaming Universe

The Escapism Factor

Whether it's as an individual playing solitaire online or a family engaging in a Nintendo Switch party, the escapism factor is something we cannot overlook. It's a very simple thing; however, the shared escape from the stresses of daily life is so important. We are, as individuals, all stimulated all of the time.

The parents have to work, and children are constantly being pushed to their limits and beyond because of the sheer volume of things that need doing. Even a six or seven-year-old child is getting homework, so it's doubly important to not just provide some form of escapism to have a better sense of self, but if you can provide those ways to escape as something you can do together as a family, this can be a source of collective joint excitement.

Everybody might feel that they can unwind together by playing a game that creates those shared experiences. For example, Generation X and millennial parents reading this may think back to those rare occasions when their parents were intrigued by what was going on and what you were playing, and they decided to join in.

It wasn't uncommon for families in the early '90s to have Super Mario Kart sessions on the Super Nintendo. These may have even been some of your most treasured memories if you're reading this because it was a time when you all stopped and didn't worry about the stresses of absolutely everything. This is something we can't neglect, and in fact, it's something we should encourage.

The Glue for Families Gaming Provides

The time that family members can unite to play games together is an amazing way to create lasting memories. Gaming requires collaboration, teamwork, and sometimes blind faith. What's more, the opportunities to work together against a common enemy in the game can reinforce that familiar bond. There can be families who don't like the idea of competition, but it's more about reinforcing that nature-friendly competition. We can all feel that temptation to go to hell for leather against our child, but this, of course, will not achieve anything.

From the perspective of a child, actually having quality time with a parent to sit down and just play together is completely rare in the modern world. There's something incredibly sad about this, of course, that the reality of the situation is that there's not always time for families to spend together. And the time that families do spend together tends to be populated with devices. Therefore, if a family can focus on one device together, this might be able to provide a greater bonding experience.

We all look at our phones without thinking. It's a knee-jerk reaction that we need to undo. So, if a parent is looking at their child playing on their device, it might be a good idea to try and get involved somehow. These shared experiences are going to create wonderful, long-lasting memories, and that's the most important thing. Whether it's on vacation or at home in front of a screen, shared experiences are shared experiences.

Skill Development, AI Yoga

The Skill Development Part of the Equation

There are still some parents who look at gaming and think it's going to pollute their children's minds. Any parent who grew up in the heyday of what is now termed "retro gaming" may believe that there are many benefits to be had. However, now, gaming is even more than an educational tool for the entire family. Older parents who think back to the times when games were so complex that they needed those cheats in order to get to the next level may think that modern games are a bit too easy.

Now, games can stimulate a number of cognitive abilities and enhance skills. Take, for example, a skill like reading; if there are children around the age of seven now getting to grips with their first proper gaming console, there are so many benefits to not just playing the game but also skills like reading can be improved exponentially. A game like Animal Crossing is a fantastic example because it invariably forces our children to get involved in the game by upgrading their reading abilities.

Games like Minecraft force people to problem-solve and become more spatially aware. Once upon a time, an educational game could be sniffed out because it just didn't have the same enduring appeal as something like Mario or Sonic. Now, with games like Minecraft actively being an educational platform that encourages resourcefulness, many modern games are Trojan horses that can aid kids' development and make the process of acquiring new skills something that's enjoyable.

The Creativity Components

Gaming platforms are harnessing more creativity than ever. A game such as Super Mario Maker is a fantastic example because of its ability to create and play side-scrolling Mario levels. This sense of shared creativity among families can not just strengthen the bonds between parent and child but also tap into the imaginative potential of each family member.

Building something together is always going to achieve a sense of accomplishment. This is going to have a positive knock-on effect as children will learn collaboration as well as creativity within a family unit. More so than ever, we need to teach kids the importance of engaging with one another, especially as many teenagers are now losing the ability to even make small talk. Therefore, creativity and collaboration are both vital tools that can set kids up for life.

Teenagers Small Talk

The Lessons in Sportsmanship

We all need to learn the value of conflict, and learning to lose or win gracefully is an essential aspect of character development. A family can use these moments as an opportunity to teach certain values like resilience, respect, and fairness.

Friendly competition is something that, in a video gaming sphere, will slowly, over time, help us to not gloat, and because of the sense of closeness in a family setting, there can be a great degree of competition and in-fighting. This can be a situation where a parent can reinforce the importance of the right values in competition.

Bridging Generational Gaps

Gaming can be a more inclusive form of entertainment than ever. Parents in their 40s and 50s may remember trying to teach their grandparents how to play a certain game, only for them to think they were the other person in a fighting game or complain about how many buttons there are.

Now, we are at the point where gaming has existed for so long that there is a great degree of common ground. Grandparents in their 60s will fondly remember Space Invaders or Pong, and parents in their 30s, 40s, or 50s will have a greater understanding of retro gaming or popular titles from the mid-noughties, and this means there is a greater sense of continuity. We can create bridges and traditions around gaming together.

Life Lessons Through Gaming

Gaming can involve adapting to unexpected situations and making decisions in split seconds. One of the benefits of these types of scenarios is that they mirror real-life challenges, and as family members, we can all learn the importance of adaptability and flexibility.

Navigating these virtual worlds together means we are absorbing these life lessons that we can apply in various aspects of our daily lives. Whether it's the catharsis of getting frustrations out on a game because a parent has had a bad week or a child is creating a world in Minecraft that needs care and attention, we can all benefit from gaming in one form or another.

The Ability to Nurture Wellness

While the benefits of gaming are substantial, we've got to strike that balance between screen time and other activities. We should establish guidelines to ensure that gaming is a complementary part of our lives rather than something that will dominate our existence. Parents can have concerns that their children are gaming way too much, and if it's the first thing they do when they wake up and as soon as they get home from school, there has to be a healthy relationship with technology.

A family can maximize the positive aspects of gaming without compromising overall well-being. By leveraging gaming as a tool for self-development, escapism, and bringing families together, we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss gaming. As families embark on a gaming adventure, they're going to create lasting memories and nurture a sense of togetherness that will, in fact, extend way beyond the virtual realm.

Cartier Wells

Moderator, NoobFeed

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