Indika Guide | Cart Puzzle

A guide on how to solve the cart puzzle in Indika.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Mar 06, 2025

In the Cart Puzzle, a cart blocks your path in Indika, and you have to remove it by carrying out a specific series of tasks in the correct order. The tasks that need to be completed are finding a wrench, breaking into a locked cabin, and fixing the cart's mechanism.This guide will demonstrate how to solve the cart puzzle.

Locate the Ladder

Indika Guide, Locate the Ladder

  • There is a wooden shack that is secured and located next to the cart.
  • Nearby, there will be a folding ladder. This is how one can enter the cabin.
  • Take the ladder and position it against the side of the cabin when the cabin is closed. This will allow you to access the roof.

Go into the Cabin

Indika Guide, Go into the Cabin

  • Climb the ladder in order to get to the top of the cabin.
  • Be on the lookout for a broken or falling-through hatch that is open or a loose wooden plank on the roof.
  • When you are inside the cabin, you will need to look for a wrench to fix the cart.

Open the Door to the Cabin

Indika Guide, Open the Door to the Cabin

  • Since you now have the wrench, you are required to leave the cabin immediately.
  • The cabin's door is locked from the outside, but it can be opened from the inside.
  • Step outside and make your way towards the cart once it has been opened.

Repair the Cart

  • Head in the direction of the cart that is obstructing your path.
  • To fix the mechanism, you should make use of the wrench.
  • After the repairs have been made, you will be able to utilize the cart to travel and proceed with your path.

Also, check out our INDIKA Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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