NoobTube Episode 01: Velocity 2X - Xbox One - Killzone Shadow Fall

Welcome to a new show about video games and the first episode of NoobTube.

 by Admin on  Dec 05, 2013

On this episode of NoobTube, Will had the chance to talk to James Marsden from UK indie developer Futurlab, to talk about the studio's upcoming sci-fi shoot 'em up and platformer Velocity 2X. The game will be shooting its way to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in 2014. Next-gen is upon us and we talk about NoobFeed's impressions of the Xbox One as well as a Killzone: Shadow Fall review. Remember to hit the like and subscribe buttons to make sure you don't miss the next episode of NoobTube.

Big thanks to Sarah at Sony XDev for setting up the event at YouTube and thanks to James from Futurlab for the interview.

Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned with more exclusive interviews, trailer and gameplay videos. Hope you enjoy our first episode. Give us your feedback and tell us what you'd like to see in our future episodes.

Will Potter, NoobFeed (@thequiffisdead)

Craig Bryan

Admin, NoobFeed

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