Wishing you a Happy All Hallow's Eve
Event by Caliburn on Oct 31, 2011
Halloween's origins are believed to lie in the Celtic festival of Samhain. Celebrated on the eve and first day of the Celtic Winter period, Samhain was typically seen as a time for stocking up in preparation for the cold months to follow. It was also believed to have been the time when the occurrence of supernatural phenomena was most likely, due to the increased presence of spirits. Included among the festivities was the act of walking with one's livestock between bonfires as part of a cleansing ritual, before the bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown into the fires.
When Halloween first was first introduced to America in the late 18th century, it was initially met with fierce opposition. It was only after the mass arrival of Scottish and Irish immigrants in America that the festival became widely accepted across the continent.
The term 'Halloween' comes from the old Scottish term 'All Hallow's Even', or 'All Hallow's Evening', hence 'All Hallow's Eve'.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that brief history lesson and found it beneficial.
Halloween has never been the same time of excitement to me that it has been to everyone else. I've rarely felt compelled to go Trick or Treating while dressed up as a skeleton or a zombie or some other horror-themed character. Having said that, I've had plenty of expierience giving out sweets to those who did decide to go out on a search for candy (or whatever other treats the householders might happen to have on hand). I'm too old to go Trick or Treating now, but the same doesn’t necessarily have to apply to those reading this now, does it?
...anyone planning to embark on a neighborhood-wide search for sugary treats?
I know these guys are...
Windia and co. wish all of you a happy and safe All Hallow's Eve!
Be sure to enjoy it. After all, Halloween only comes once a year, right?
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