Borderlands 3 GenIVIV Boss Fight Guide

Fight against the rouge AI GenIVIV

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 19, 2019

You can't have a Borderlands game without some sort of computer virus trying to kill you. Here's is an AI called GenIVIV. The combat AI for the Family Jewel and its in your way. Time for thing to go.

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GenIVIV will sport a highly advance Maliwan mech suit with shielding and armor. GenIVIV will focus on saturating the field with AOE blast and deadly walls of energy. But it can't get up the platform on the opposite side of the room.

Use this to your advantage and pummel GenIVIV with shock-based weapons and attacks and then corrosive weapons. The AI is a glass cannon and with modern weapons will quickly fall.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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