Luigi's Mansion 3 Boss Guide How to Defeat the Movie Monster

Finish the director's masterpiece

 by Grayshadow on  Nov 04, 2019

Not all the ghosts in Luigi's Mansion 3 want to cause harm, like Director Morty. He just wants to finish his film, unfortunately,that means Luigi must fight a movie monster. And the threat is real.

Luigi's Mansion 3,NoobFeed,Nintendo,Next Level Games,

The fight has 3 stages, with the same pattern just with larger durations. The start has the monster firing fireballs followed by a charged energy ball. During this attack, the suit will start to glow before the blast. Using ZL, blow the blast back.

The second phase has the monster using more fireballs. Avoid them or use the buildings for cover. When the monster uses the energy blast again, summon Gooigi to help in pushing it back.

During the finale, the monster will use more fireballs and the pushback will require you to push A during a final cutscene. After destroying the costume, simply flash and suck in the ghost.

After the fight is over Morty is given Luigi the button without a fight. You can enter his room and suck him up or wait until the end of the game. At the end before the point of no return to the same room. He'll finish editing his film and you can watch the movie.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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