According To Activision Destiny Will Be The "Best-Selling New Video Game IP In History"

Destiny puts a lot of pressure on Bungie.

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 07, 2014

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick told investors today that "Destiny will become the best-selling new video game IP in history." The online, loot-heavy first-person shooter is slated for September 9 on PS3, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

Destiny,Activision Blizzard,Bungie

Activision has reported a $4.58 billion revenue for 2013, a 5.76% decrease when compared to 2012 when the publisher earned $4.86 billion. In addition World of Warcraft having 7.8 subscribers as of December 31, 2013, 7.6 million more than was reported last quarter. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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