Future God of War Games May Focus On Egyptian and Mayan Mythology
Will Kratos take on gods from Egyptian and Mayan mythology?
News by Grayshadow on Jan 06, 2018
Since its debut on the PS2, the God of War franchise has solely focused on Greek mythology but the next installment in the franchise changes this by focusing on Norse mythology. However, this could change with the franchise taking on Egyptian and Mayan mythology.
When speaking to Game Informer game director, Cory Barlog, stated:
“Moving on, the next mythological belief system he interacts with became the Norse era of God of War. But we may end up going on to the Egyptian era and the Mayan era and so on and so forth.”
This wasn't the only thing that the new God of War will change. Barlog stated that the game will focus more on exploration personal story and a tighter camera.
“It was getting old. The storyline with Kratos being the hardcore badass – I think people were starting to say, ‘What’s next?’ I felt like, in order to reinvent, we really needed to turn a lot of things around.”
God of War for the PS4 is not only a sequel but a reboot of the entire franchise. Having Kratos fight with his son instead of going solo and not having access to his iconic Blades of Chaos.
God of War is in development for PS4.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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