Resident Evil 3 Guide | All 20 Charlie Doll Locations
Here’s what you need to know on how to find all 20 Charlie Doll Locations in Resident Evil 3.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Feb 04, 2025
The Charlie Dolls can be located scattered in Resident Evil 3 and can be killed for an achievement and for a challenge for completionists. To make it easier for you not to miss any, below is a complete list of 20 locations.
Redstone Street and Downtown Charlie Dolls
The first Charlie Doll can be found on Redstone Street at the start of the game. Instead of following Carlos, go upstairs and then face a new direction. To enter, go in your direction between two newsstand machines.
The second doll can be found downtown in the Donut Shop. Look between a microwave oven and a wall, in a position out of view.
The third can be found in the safe room in the Downtown safe room building; when entering, search at the position at your right, near a shelf.
The fourth doll can be located in the Subway Office, in a position directly in the room with controls. There is no chance of missing it, for it can be seen immediately when entering.
Before walking below, you can find the fifth Charlie Doll in a safe room in the Substation. Look in your corner, in contrast to a trunk and a typewriter.
The sixth Charlie Doll can be found at ToyUncle, a toy store downtown. To enter, you must use a lockpick. Once in, search for the doll at your side, near a gargantuan Megaman monument.
Sewers and Police Stations Charlie Dolls
Moving into the sewers, a seventh doll can be seen near the laboratory. As you enter the staircase towards the laboratory, go between the bars in the northwest direction when you face that direction. Yet another can be seen when you exit the sewers; face towards it when you have gone upstairs towards the sewer escape.
Going through the progression of the game, a doll can be seen Downtown, in a specific residence, when you exit out of Kendo Gun Store. It will have been seen already when you enter. Once you enter the Police Station, two Charlie Dolls have to be blown out.
The first one can be seen in the exterior zone. Before you enter, go downstairs, go through a tunnel, and go about in front of plants. The second one can be seen in the armory, lying in a bookcase in the northwest corner.
Subway, Clock Tower Plaza, and Hospital Charlie Dolls
Going through the Subway Tunnels, in the prison section, a Charlie Doll can be seen. It is in a cell to your immediate right when you enter its location.
Once you enter Clock Tower Plaza, a doll will follow soon afterward. After a tunnel and a bridge, when looking to your immediate left, a collectible can be seen in the rear right of a green van
The hospital holds a collection of Charlie Dolls. One is in a corridor of a reception; go through a corridor with Carlos to access it. Another is on a hospital rooftop, and you can access it immediately after a staircase. It is easy to find, for it sits in a direct path.
A Charlie Doll in a trash can of a southern doorway is well concealed in a consulting room. Before entering a basement, search for one in a hospital garage—you can sit in a forklift.
Underground Storage and NEST 2 Charlie Dolls.
A Charlie Doll can be located below in a storehouse. After taking out a single zombie, go through a series of bookcases and search for a shelf on your right.
The two Charlie Dolls at the conclusion can be located in NEST 2. One is off towards a chamber for vaccination machines, on a balcony off to your right, near a device in which an Override Key can be acquired. The last one is in NEST 2's upper hallway, and it ends your collection.
The collection of 20 Charlie Dolls is a grander way to view Resident Evil 3 in its entirety and obtain an accomplishment. Most have been well concealed, and you must go about and double-back, even with such tools as a Lockpick. Look about in both seeming and out-of-the-way locations in order to make certain none go unobtained.
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