Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot New Gameplay Features Vegeta Fishing and Cooking
New footage of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot features Vegeta
News by Grayshadow on Sep 19, 2019
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot may have Goku's name on the title but other characters will be playable. With new gameplay footage from TGS 2019 showing Vegeta after the events of the Frieza saga.
We see Vegeta wearing the pink shirt given to him by Bulma and flying around Earth. With Vegeta fishing, cooking, and fighting against remaining Frieza forces.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot launches January 17th, 2020 for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. I had the chance to play the game at E3 2019 and thought it not only recreated the anime faithfully but provided the high-speed combat that fans love from the series at your fingers. Which has been confirmed by series creator Akira Toriyama. We also learned that fan-favorite Future Trunks will be playable as well.
Adam Siddiqui,
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