EA Creates Accessibility Portal For Disabled Players
EA helping gamers with special needs
News by Grayshadow on Mar 16, 2018
EA has started a new system called "The Accessibility Portal" to aid disable gamers playing their various games.
The new portal seeks to serve those with diverse needs and this portal will "find what accessibility specific features and resources are available across games."
The site, at launch, will have 3 main features that include a forum, a news blog, and game information.
The forums are for general discussion, technical support, and feature change requests. The news blog will be used to communicate new features, site updates, employee resource group events, and general accessibility articles. The game information pages may include detailed lists of available accessibility features, text manuals that are screen reader friendly, guides to aid the blind and visually impaired, or other topics requested via forums.
Currently, UFC 3, Madden NFL 18, and NHL 18 are accessible through the site. Each title lists how the games can cater to those with color blindness and blindness.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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