Freedom Planet 2 Demo Released

Go play a sample version of Freedom Planet 2 right now.

News by Daavpuke on  Feb 03, 2017

Developer GalaxyTrail has released its sample version of Freedom Planet 2, a game currently still in production. Download the demo version right now from the project’s site.

The Freedom Planet 2 demo takes place in one area, but it’s a giant location, set in a woodland area. As always, the side-scrolling platform game stays true to the Sonic roots it takes its structure from. Loops, bounce pads and long stretches or land to run on are all included in this zone. At the end, there will be a boss fight, which should be easy enough to solve. No spoilers though.


Freedom Planet 2,Demo


It’s possible to play the Freedom Planet 2 with four different characters. Additionally, there are varying levels of difficulty. Challenges can even be custom built, choosing from different slots that put one of two parameters for playing the game, sort of like Halo. Download size for the demo is small enough, clocking in at just 46Mb.

For now, button configuration doesn’t seem to be finished, therefor the layout may seem a bit weird. For instance, on an Xbox 360 controller, jump is mapped to B and the main attack is mapped to A.  An additional lunge is mapped to X, but is only periodically available, after a gauge is fully charged.

Freedom Planet 2 is the sequel to a highly successful homage to the Sonic series, from visuals to gameplay. That game eventually made its way through to PC, PS4 and Wii U. Currently, Freedom Planet 2 has only been confirmed for release on PC, but it will also be “followed by Nintendo,” according to the developer.

Pick up the Freedom Planet 2 demo and let us know what you think of it.

Via oprainfall.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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