Super Mario Maker 2 Reaches 10 Million Courses Uploaded, Increases Upload Cap

Nintendo's Super Mario Maker 2 has over 10 million courses uploaded

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 08, 2020

Super Mario Maker 2 has been a major success since its launch. With tons of free content and the community, in turn, has made and uploaded over 10 million courses with these assets.

Super Mario Maker 2,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

Thanks to the creativity of Makers around the world, there are now over 10 million playable courses in #SuperMarioMaker2! To celebrate, you can now upload up to 100 courses to Course World!

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) January 7, 2020

Nintendo broke the news on Twitter to explain the new milestone. Also stating they increased the course upload cap to 100. 

Super Mario Maker 2 is now available Nintendo Switch. Andrew reviewed the game and stated "Super Mario Maker 2 is - like its predecessor - a pleasure to play and intended for two types of gamers: the people who like to put their creativity into building levels and the people who want to play many unique Super Mario levels; and that makes the game so much fun."

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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