Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How To Romance Tifa

A complete guide on how to create a relationship with Tifa in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 23, 2024

There are multiple approaches for how you can sort Cloud and Tifa's relationship in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. By completing specific side missions, employing specific Synergy Skills and Abilities, and selecting the right dialogues, you can improve Cloud and Tifa's relationship. Here, you of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can get all the information they need to woo Tifa.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide

The connection between Cloud and Tifa will be strengthened as you are compelled to make the correct decision within a specific time limit. The optimal responses that you should provide Tifa at different stages of the game are listed in the table below. 

Chapter 2

Location: Setting Up Shop Near the Mako Tank

Response "The place I made that promise to you."

Chapter 4

Location: Inside the Inn

Response" You are the only one of the villagers that I can recall." 

Chapter 6

Location: On the Beach

Response "Lot's happened since then."

Chapter 9

Location: Gongaga Village

Response: "I'm going to order the pot roast."

Chapter 10

Location: Within Cosmo Canyon Village 

Response: "You did good."

Chapter 11

Location: Nibelheim

Response "Have I helped you get through it at all?"

Side Quests, Bodybuilders in a Pickle, and Rewards

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Side Quests in Tifa's Romance Guide: Final Fantasy 7, Rebirth, Bodybuilders in a Pickle, and Rewards

Taking up various jobs is another way for you to romance Tifa, in addition to speech choices. Be sure to check the Community Noticeboard whenever you go to a new region, as they can be located there. 

To strengthen Cloud's bond with Tifa, complete the following side quests: 

My White-Haired Angel, A Rare Card Lost, A Dream of Blue Skies, Gold

Cup or Bust, Bodybuilders in a Tassel, and Calling All Frogs

Alternative Methods for Romanticizing Tifa

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Alternative Methods for Romanticizing Tifa

To develop a strong bond with Tifa, you must complete side missions, engage in dialogue, and use Synergy Abilities and Skills. Be sure to include Tifa in your three-person party because both of these things are connected to fighting. Additionally, Cloud's friendship with Tifa can be improved by advancing through the main story and achieving high scores in specific mini-games. 

  • Perform admirably in the Junon Parade. 
  • Choose matching beachwear for Tifa and Cloud. 
  • Put Tifa's needs above Aerith's in Costa del Sol. 
  • Score well in the Loveless Act.


Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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