The Walking Dead Fans Petition Netflix To Save Telltale Games Series
The Walking Dead might be in danger of remaining unfinished, so fans are trying to get Netflix, or anyone, to step up.
News by Daavpuke on Sep 23, 2018
The gaming world was struck with surprise this week with big studio closures from both Capcom Vancouver, makers of Dead Rising, as well as Telltale Games, makers of The Walking Dead and many other story franchises. In the latter’s case, social media has really been lamenting the demise and subsequent cancellations of games from the developer, rallying to make things right. In particular, Telltale’s breakout game, The Walking Dead, is going to be left unfinished, mere episodes before its final season would come to a conclusion. This event has urged fans to step up and find ways to save the franchise from reaching a year-long catharsis. A petition was started to perhaps get the attention of Netflix, since adjusted for general public awareness, to tell the rest of The Walking Dead’s story.
In one day, the petition has gotten 5,000 of its 7,500 signatures it hopes to accomplish. At the time of writing, about a hundred more have answered the call, growing steadily towards that goal.
Several more people have weighed in on the debacle that is the Telltale Games closure. The Walking Dead’s voice actor for Clementine took to Twitter to write a message of support for the studio, stating: “Telltale games will always be the best Narrative, story driven game company EVER.”
That is, sadly, not the only thing to come out of social media. Several workers and bystanders have reported on lack of severance or overtime compensation after the studio closed down. Employees are left stranded, mostly without warning and unsure how to move on at such short notice.
Alongside the likely cancellation of The Walking Dead, the highly anticipated sequel for The Wolf Among Us will also no longer be coming, as well as an adaptation of the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things.
Are there any Telltale Games properties you were looking forward to? Let us know in the comments.
Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)
Editor, NoobFeed
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