Vergil Coming to Devil May Cry V
Devil May Cry V Special Edition launching with PS5
News by Grayshadow on Sep 16, 2020
Devil May Cry V was one of Capcom's greatest games and today Capcom confirmed a new version of the title. With Devil May Cry V Special Edition launching with new content including Vergil as a playable character.
Judging from the trailer it won't include new story missions but simply have players replay the core game as Vergil. Similar to how Vergil was introduced in Devil May Cry 3 and Devil May Cry 4.
Devil May Cry V Special Edition will launch digitally with PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Update: Capcom confirmed that Vergil will be paid DLC for current versions of the game. With a physical edition coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X at a later date. The title will include Turbo Mode, Legendary Dark Knight, and Ray Tracing. The DLC will cost $4.99.
Motivated by the overwhelming fan requests for playable Vergil, Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition adds to the latest installment in the Sons of Sparda saga by allowing players to play through the destruction of the fictitious Red Grave City as Vergil. In addition to the new Vergil mode, players will be able to take Vergil through the perilous floors of the Bloody Palace challenge mode, while wielding his iconic blade the Yamato. All Vergil content will also be made available for current owners of Devil May Cry 5 for MSRP $4.99 on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X, and Steam. Further details and release date will be announced at a later time.
Adam Siddiqui,
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