The Shivah: Kosher Edition
Shivah is defined as a period of mourning, it's nothing to cry over.
Reviewed by XboxBetty on Nov 24, 2013
Originally released in 2006, The Shivah centers around Russell Stone, a Rabbi at a New York City synagogue that has seen better days. Financial hardship and the Rabbi's evermore negative mindset has the synagogue's members dropping like flies. Just when things couldn't seem any worse, Jack Lauder, a former member of the synagogue, is found dead. For no apparent reason Lauder has left Rabbi Stone a large amount of money, leaving the Rabbi questioning his morals; can he accept money from a man he once pushed away?
With one question Rabbi Stone begins a journey to unravel the mystery behind an old friend's death, and in the process he uncovers a string of deceit, full of unexpected surprises. With no surprise, however, the enhanced version of The Shivah improves upon the games visual experience and its overall quality. The Shivah: Kosher Edition includes a new soundtrack, refurbished graphics and alternate endings.
The Shivah is a point and click adventure game with the typical controls of the genre, oral discourse overlaid upon text based dialogue and analytical puzzles. Puzzles within The Shivah range from combining clues to consulting notes, revealing further conversation topics and discovering passwords to access an in-game computer. With no tutorial and minimal clues, puzzles are frustrating, but short lived. Once players discover the mechanics behind solving these seemingly difficult puzzles, the plot begins to thicken, keeping interest in the game constant and overall gratifying. The classic whodunit theme often seen in mystery novels is prevalent throughout the duration of The Shivah, keeping players guessing as they take on the role of a hybrid rabbi-detective.
Without the brief struggle to discover The Shivah's workings, the game would be swift, requiring little time to complete. Moreover, responses within conversations and a few ethical decisions alter the game's final outcome; there are numerous endings, allowing for multiple distinct playthroughs of The Shivah: Kosher Edition. Various endings and expanded gameplay agreeably mean more bang for your buck. Simcha!
Many point and click games can often be too easy; obvious solutions to puzzles and blatantly placed visible objects make for thoughtless actions. The Shivah requires more logic, and if you're not a veteran to the genre, note taking. This adds an interactive aspect to The Shivah that is rarely utilized in today's games. If completing the game and acquiring achievements doesn't prove your devoutness, your sloppy notes surely will.
The Shivah: Kosher Edition does little to disappoint, but lacks the spark that keeps players coming back to a game months and years later. Minor things will annoy players and major plot twists may go unnoticed. However, it brings to the table an interesting perspective on acts of morality, stereotyping and how our decisions lead to certain consequences; all from a semi-religious point of view. Players may even learn a thing or two about Judaism. Meshugga! The Shivah will be played a few times, thoroughly enjoyed and pushed to the back of your library with other long forgotten games.
The Shivah: Kosher Edition is now available for a measly $4.99. For a price like that, it's a point and click you may or may not want to pass up on. Chances are spending the money won't be a mistake, with entertainment occurring through each ending and unlocking some easy achievements along the way. Check out the demo and purchase The Shivah: Kosher Edition here.
Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty),
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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