The Christmas spirit(s) seems to have taken a toll on the sanity of some game developers. But for us, this means yet another Christmas miracle.

The already successful Humble Indie Bundle 2 has now added the first bundle to the whole mess for people who have generously donated to purchase the holiday package. If like yours truly, you just woke up recently to find this in your inbox, it all must seem like a dream; but I assure you it’s true.

NoobFeed News - Humble Indie Bundle 2 Includes First Bundle
It felt like finding presents under the Christmas Tree! Or is it Holiday Pine?

The site has now also updated to show World Of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru (HD), Penumbra Overture and Samorost 2 being available for purchase. The only thing new customers have to do to gain this wonderful item, is to help raise the average donation. Right now, this stands at a little more than $7, which is still a ridiculous amount considering the original price stands somewhere around $85 for the second bundle alone.

In addition, you can redeem games on Steam now, to link them to your account, but please be cautious. As there is only a set limit of keys available and not all games are as of yet redeemable, please leave the keys to those who need them the most.

NoobFeed News - Humble Indie Bundle 2 Adds First Bundle to site
Seven bucks for eleven humble games; you do the math.


And finally, this holiday’s action has officially surpassed the revenue of last time, with 1.3 million dollars and over 185K purchases as of writing. As you can still purchase until Christmas, we can only wonder how much more this incredible action will warm hearts worldwide.

Check out why you're the only gamer on Earth missing out right now.


With all these great charity bundles, we'll be sure to drown in affordable games for at least an additional year, until the next one.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

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  • and now i have 10 new games obtained in less than 24 hours :P

    Posted Dec 23, 2010
  • @BrunoBRS: I'm glad you caved in :P
    Posted Dec 23, 2010

  • @Daavpuke - well thank will, he gave me the bundle :P


    too... many... puzzle games...

    Posted Dec 23, 2010
  • @WillX47: You sir, are awesome.
    Posted Dec 23, 2010

  • It's to crazy, between this and Steam's game sales right now :P

    Posted Dec 24, 2010
  • @WillX47: Luckily I'm ignoring that, since I can't purchase titles there anyways. Shame, since it seemed the perfect time to snag Super Meat Boy.
    Posted Dec 24, 2010

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