Monster Hunter Wilds Guide | How To Get Artian Weapons

Here's a guide on the best weapons you can get in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 05, 2025

Monster Hunter Wilds is Capcom's return to the Monster Hunter franchise, where every hunt tests your skills, patience, and creativity. Built on the foundations of its predecessors, it's a memorable title that has enticed gamers with its relentless and intense quests and challenges. 

Artian Weapons are among the most powerful and customizable weapons in the game, making them a key focus for any game build. The futuristic-style weapons are unlocked after defeating the first Tempered Monster in high rank, typically around HR 20. This guide explains how you can obtain, craft, and optimize the Artian weapons for maximum effectiveness.

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Unlocking Artian Weapons

You can unlock these weapons after completing the higher rank story quest "Why Sparks and Rose Thorns," where you'll have to defeat a tempered monster. Once a lot, you can craft and customize these weapons at the Smithy. These weapons are considered matter to their high stats, customizable elements, and decoration slots.

Crafting Artian Weapons

These weapons have only three specific parts:  Blades, Tubes, Discs, and Devices. Combination parts will vary depending on the weapon type. For example.

  • Dual Blades: Will require 2 Blades and 1 Disc.
  • Charge Blade: This will require 1 Blade, 1 Disc, and 1 Device.
  • Long Sword: Will require 1 Blade and 2 Tubes.

Monster Hunter Wilds, PS4, How To Get Artian Weapons, Screenshot, NoobFeed

When you craft these weapons, you can choose between Attack Infusion and Affinity Infusion.

  • Attack Infusion: This will increase your attack by five per infusion.
  • Affinity Infusion: This will increase your affinity by 5% per infusion.

From most builds, I'd suggest incorporating Attack Infusion, as the raw attack is hard to increase through other means. However, Affinity Infusion can be useful for builds that focus on critical hits or elemental damage.

Monster Hunter Wilds, PS4, How To Get Artian Weapons, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Non-Elemental vs. Elemental Weapons

To create non-elemental Artian Weapons, you need to ensure that all three parts are of different elements. For an elemental weapon, you'll need at least two parts that share the same element, and using three identical parts will maximize the elemental value.

Obtaining Weapon Parts

He'll be able to obtain Artian Weapon parts from tempered monsters, but the rarity of the parts will depend on the monster's tier. Low-tier tempered monsters drop rarity five parts, which become rarity six after appraisal. High-tier tempered monsters drop priority 7 parts, which then become rarity 8 after appraisal.

The highest two monsters such as Tempered Arkveld, Tempered Rajang, and Tempered Gore Magala is the best source for the 8 rare parts that you'll need to craft the strongest weapons.

Monster Hunter Wilds, PS4, How To Get Artian Weapons, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Reinforcing Artian Weapons

You can reinforce Artian Weapons up to 5 times with each reinforcement, adding a random bonus:

  • Attack Boost: This will increase raw attack.
  • Affinity Boost: This will increase critical hit chance.
  • Sharpness Boost: This will improve sharpness levels.
  • Element Boosts: This increases elemental damage.

You can obtain these reinforcement materials through:

  • Festival Shares: You can earn them in-game festivals.
  • Smelting Foundry: You'll be able to craft them using boss material.

When you reinforce, your goal is to roll bonuses that align with the weapon's purpose. For example, elemental weapons will benefit from elemental boosts, whilst with raw damaged weapons, you'll want to prioritize attack boosts.

Dismantling and Rerolling

If the enforcement bonuses are not ideal with these Artian Weapons, you can dismantle and recover 100% of the material used. This will allow you to reroll for better bonuses without losing resources. But this process will require a steady supply of weapon parts and reinforcement materials, making it a long-term and endgame grind.

Artian Weapons are the pinnacle of weapon customization that you can get in Monster Hunter Wilds, giving you a lot of power and flexibility. By defeating tempered monsters, crafting with the right parts, and reinforcing strategically, you can create the ultimate weapon for your builds.

Also, check out our Monster Hunter Wilds Review and other guides below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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