Resident Evil 3 Guide | All Weapons and Attachment Locations

Here’s everything you need to know on how to find All Weapons and Attachments in Resident Evil 3.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Feb 07, 2025

The best gear and weapon locations in Resident Evil 3 must be found in order to survive zombie-infested city streets in Raccoon City. Some can simply be found, but a specific activity and problem-solving must be performed for them to obtain them. 

All weapon and attachment locations can be found in this guide, and with them, your best firepower can then be used in fighting Nemesis and enemies.

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The Handgun Upgrades

Dot Sight for G19 Handgun can be found in a safe in an office in Pharmacy in Downtown. To receive it, enter 9L, 1R, 8L; the sequence printed on a poster in the pharmacy can be seen. This upgrade tunes accuracy for a handgun.

After the first Nemesis is knocked down, Nemesis' Extended Magazine for G19 Handgun will fall off him. To knock him down, a grenade will work best. After acquired, the magazine will have double ammunition capacity for a handgun up to 33 rounds. 

Next, an upgrade, the Moderator, can be received when Nemesis is killed for a second time, when Nemesis infests zombies with his tentacles. This suppressor will increase critical opportunity but will occupy two spaces in your arsenal when mounted onto a handgun.

Once you’re over at the hospital, the G18 Handgun (Burst Model) will become a weapon at your disposal. It will reside in the Makeshift Sickroom, in front of the escape exit, and have a three-round burst firing feature.

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The Shotgun and Add-ons

The M3 Shotgun will reside in the Subway Office early in the game. However, it is locked in a case, and after getting in, bolt cutters will have to be acquired and received when completing fires in Downtown. After having your hands in a cutter, go to the Subway Office and claim your reward, a shotgun.

To gain access to Shotgun's Tactical Stock, insert the red gem in the mechanism of Underground Entrance's clock. Rubies can store in Fancy box in safe room in the Donut Shop, Downtown. The upgrade aids in weapon manipulation.

The Shotgun Barrel, an acceleration in firing and dispersal of shots, can be acquired later in Shop Kendo, in store, Gun Shop. Shotgun Shell Holder, a reload acceleration, can also be found in the storeroom underground, positioned in a loop through the chamber in search of fuses.

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MGL and Magnum

The MGL Grenade Launcher can be found in the Sewers Office, but it is under guard and must first have a Hunter Gamma killed in its path. As a weapon, it aids in defeating strong enemies and Nemesis in later battles.

The Lightning Hawk Magnum can be found in the Hospital Courtyard, but only when Jill takes over for Carlos. A previously inaccessible section can now be reached by jumping through a third window on the second floor. The Magnum is in a silver housing near a dead body. The Magnum's Extended Barrel can be found in the Underground Storage Surveillance Room behind a console near a window. The addition aids in increased firepower and accuracy.

Assault Rifle and Attachments

Playing through with Carlos, the Assault Rifle Scope can be found in a crate in a room in the Office located at the West Police Station. To access, use the STARS ID card you gained through part of the storyline. The Assault Rifle Grip is located in a courtyard of a hospital. 

On the second floor, there are two windows marked with yellow tape. Jumping through the first one leads to a corner where the grip is hidden in a bucket.

Resident Evil 3, PC, Gameplay, All Weapons and Attachment Locations, Screenshot, NoobFeed

The Dual Magazine for an Assault Rifle is stored in a safe in a Nurses' Station in a Hospital. To enter, use 9 in a counterclockwise direction and 3 in a counterclockwise direction. The safe can actually be entered even when you don't even have a glimmer of a clue about a code, but it is stored in an operative room clipboard.


Acquiring these items and upgrades will go a long, long way toward your survival in Resident Evil 3 as much as you have to problem-solve and battle Nemesis, it will pay off. 

First, get your hands on the shotgun and grenade launcher, for they cause the most damage to your powerful enemies. Don't forget about Nemesis drops, too, as powerful upgrades can be uncovered that will make your arsenal much, much more powerful.

Also, check our Resident Evil 3 Review other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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