Doom's Epic Nostalgic Soundtrack Now Available for Download

Purchase Doom's soundtrack right now

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 28, 2016

Doom, Bethesda's hit release of the classic game that launched a franchise, soundtrack is now available for download.

Doom,Soundtrack,Bethesda,id software,

The original soundtrack can be purchase on Google Play and iTunes for individual purchase or streamed through Spotify.

  1. I. Dogma
  2. Rip & Tear
  3. At Doom’s Gate
  4. Rust, Dust & Guts
  5. II. Demigod
  6. Hellwalker
  7. Authorization; Olivia Pierce
  8. Flesh & Metal
  9. Impure Spectrum
  10. Ties That Bind
  11. Bfg Division
  12. Residual
  13. Argent Energy
  14. Harbinger
  15. Biowaves
  16. Olivia’s Doom
  17. Transistor Fist
  18. Dr. Samuel Hayden
  19. Cyberdemon
  20. Incantation
  21. III. Dakhma
  22. Damnation
  23. The Stench
  24. Uac Report File; Shto36u3
  25. Death & Exhale
  26. SkullHacker
  27. Lazarus Waves
  28. Vega Core
  29. 6_idkill.Vega.Cih
  30. Mastermind
  31. IV. Doom

Doom is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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