Gears of War 4 New Reward System Unveiled
Get unique awards in Gears of War 4
News by Grayshadow on Apr 19, 2018
Recently, The Coalition confirmed that Aaron Griffin from Gears of War 3 would be joining the Gears of War 4 multiplayer roster. However, it has been confirmed that unlocking the character will be a timed event that starts off the new reward system in Gears of War 4.
To unlock Griffin players will need to log into Gears of War 4 starting tomorrow and get 750 kills in public versus or public or private Horde. After players need to:
Complete the 'Aaron Griffin Challenge' timed achievement in Gears of War 4 anytime between April 20th at 10am PT, - April 30th at 10am PT
Head to and sign in with the Gamertag used to complete the challenge
Click the Claim Reward button on the page. Aaron Griffin will be instantly awarded to your account
Those who don't complete the challenge can purchase Griffin in May.
The Coalition stated that future rewards similar to how Griffin is being awarded will be presented in future events.
Moving forward, our intention is to release Xbox Live Challenges for future special events using the same system as Griffin. This means you’ll be able to track your progress towards Challenge Unlocks (like the Flaming Weapons) in real-time and claim your rewards instantly via Yes, that means the end of manual tracking!
Gears of War 4 is now available for Xbox One and Windows 10.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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