Final Fantasy XVI Guide | The Best Eikon Abilities

Here's everything you need to know about the best Eikon abilities in Final Fantasy XVI.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Jan 09, 2025

Eikon abilities are an important aspect of the combat in Final Fantasy XVI, where Clive uses the power of summoned beings to deliver devastating assaults or increase his utility. Each Eikon has distinct skills that can be molded into various forms and techniques for playstyle. The guide demonstrates the best abilities of each Eikon and how and where to use them most effectively.


Final Fantasy XVI Guide, Phoenix

Phoenix's skills revolve around mobility and healing, making them essential for survival and offensive pressure. Heatwave: A very versatile ability that can both block missiles and injure adversaries. Because of its dual nature as assault and defense, it is extremely effective against ranged adversaries and bosses who spam projectile attacks.

Flames of Rebirth: A powerful AoE that not only causes significant fire damage but also heals Clive. This is a lifeline in protracted battles, especially when facing waves or monsters with large health pools.


Final Fantasy XVI Guide, Garuda

Garuda is effective at field control and enemy stagger, making it popular among players who prefer aggressive game approaches.

Gouge: A quick flurry of attacks that swiftly increases an enemy's stagger gauge; used on tougher opponents to discover their weak place and hit with high-damage combinations. Aerial Blast: A whirlwind that assaults all adversaries in its path and disrupts their actions; a skill for crowd management and creating opportunities against aggressive opponents.

Titan abilities are all about sheer power and defense; thus, they're essential for delivering powerful assaults and ensuring survival during difficult encounters.

Upheaval: Slams the earth, causing a shockwave that can destroy foes in a large radius. Works well on targets with accumulated stagger or in a group.

Earthen Fury: Causes multiple shockwaves to strike all opponents in range. It is ideal for use when there are several opponents or bosses who summon minions.


Final Fantasy XVI Guide, Shiva

Shiva provides a set of ice powers focused on movement and the ability to freeze adversaries in place, allowing him to govern the field with precision. Cold Snap is a mobility skill that allows you to dash while leaving a trail of ice, freezing foes in its path. Use this to reposition rapidly or to create openings against faster opponents. Diamond Dust: A powerful ice attack that may do large AoE damage and freeze foes. For best results, utilize staggered foes.


Final Fantasy XVI Guide,  Bahamut

Bahamut's talents let him strike a balance between range strikes and high bursting, making him a deadly force against both single and numerous targets. Megaflare: A beam-type attack that deals tremendous damage once charged. To maximize this strike, use it after securing an opening.

Wings of Light: This ability increases Clive's mobility when conducting area-of-effect attacks. It is ideal for keeping a distance from dangerous foes while dealing steady damage in return.


Final Fantasy XVI Guide, Ifrit

Ifrit abilities emphasize aggression and resilience, making them ideal for players who like close-quarters fighting.

Will-o'-the-Wykes: This defensive skill surrounds Clive in flames that injure foes upon touch. It is very effective in remaining offensive during chaotic conflicts.

Ignition is a fire-filled charge attack that deals constant damage as you smash through adversaries. Use it to disrupt enemy operations or narrow gaps against ranged opponents.

Eikon Ability Usage Tips:

  • Mix and match. Experiment with various Eikon powers to find combinations that suit your playstyle. Certain combinations of abilities work well together, such as stagger-building assaults and high-damage finishers.
  • Adapt to Enemies: Certain powers operate much better against certain types of adversaries. For example, Garuda is quite successful against individuals who rely on stagger, but Shiva's freezing ability is ideal for dealing with fast-moving foes.
  • Improve Your Abilities: Spend AP on upgrading your favorite Eikon abilities, as most of them benefit from decreased cooldowns or enhanced damage.
  • Use Cooldowns: While cooldowns are active, rotate between Eikon abilities to optimize damage output. This ensures that you always use your strongest attacks.
  • Learn time: Many abilities, such as Megaflare and Diamond Dust, require perfect time to function effectively. To maximize the impact of these talents, practice employing them during openings.


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Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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