Anthem Won't Be Downgraded From E3 Reveal Trailer

Anthem will look just as good

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 23, 2018

Back at E3 2017 EA and BioWare showcased revealed Anthem, the studios next big IP. However, like many reveal trailers the assumption is that the footage shown was a vertical cut meant to generation notoriety of the game. But it seems that isn't true as Technical Director Brenon Holmes confirmed that footage was a direct representation of the game.


As we've seen with titles such as Watch Dogs, Aliens Colonial Marines, The Division, and No Man's Sky we've come to expect games to feature downgraded visuals during the course of its development.  Reddit user darthArt007 asked the following question: “Is the [gameplay] we’ve seen so far still representative of the game?” His question stemming from a trend of titles downgrading game visuals compared to when they were first announced. The first half of Holmes’ response, a brief “Yep!,” was exciting to hear.

Holmes stated that "I'm sure you'll see confirmation soon". With E3 on the horizon, we'll likely see a new release date and more gameplay footage. In addition, it has been confirmed that Anthem will be part of this year's EA Play along with the new Battlefield.

Anthem is now in development for Xbox One, PS4, and PC and set to release in 2019.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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