Total War and Alien: Isolation Developer Working on "First-Person Tactical Shooter"

Creative Assembly has a new game planned

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 07, 2018

Creative Assembly, the developers behind Total War and Alien: Isolation, is working on a new game and according to recent job listings it's a "first-person tactical shooter".

Creative Assembly,NoobFeed,

According to the post, the studio is "exploring new frontiers with a brand-new and exciting First Person Tactical Shooter IP." The studio is looking for senior UI artist, technical animator, and a technical artist for the project at the company's Horsham, UK studio. No other details were provided.

It's unlikely we'll hear anything at E3 2018 about this project but considering Creative Assembly's popular reputation many fans are already excited about the new IP.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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