IGN First Releases 15 Minutes of New Anthem Gameplay
Check out new footage of Anthem
News by Grayshadow on Jan 04, 2019
Anthem is about 1 month away and EA and BioWare is expected to increase the marketing for this title considering that the demo is set to release this month. Today, through IGN First BioWare released new gameplay of the Alpha version of Anthem.
The gameplay footage was showcasing an early mission called Lost Arcanist that teaches the basics of Anthem. This includes flight, combat, and other things you would expect from a tutorial. This is alpha footage and subject to change but it provides an extensive look of what players can expect from this open-world science-fiction title.
Anthem is set to release February 22nd for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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