Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Officially Confirmed
CD Projekt RED has confirmed multiplayer for Cyberpunk 2077
News by Grayshadow on Sep 04, 2019
Cyberpunk 2077 launches this April. After years of rumors, closed-door presentations, and constant reassurance that this is a single-player focused title. CD Projekt RED has confirmed multiplayer is in the works.
1/2 Until now, the only thing we said about multi was that it was in R&D. As we’re getting closer to launching ‘single player’ Cyberpunk 2077 in Apr. 2020, we’d like to confirm that multiplayer's in the works! If you feel like lending us your skills apply:
— CD PROJEKT RED (@CDPROJEKTRED) September 4, 2019
The news broke today on Twitter, with the developer stating they are looking for people to fit into certain R&D roles. As of now, no information has been provided about the mode. And it's exciting.
How do you think Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer will operate? Similar to Rockstar's GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 with players taking part in the world or a series of closed-off competitive and cooperative matches? Let us know in the comments below!
Cyberpunk 2077 launches on April 16, 2020, on PlayStation 4, Google Stadia, Xbox One, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui,
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