Cyberpunk 2077 Guide | Panam Palmer Romance

Stand by Panam, make the right choices, and take your bond to the next level.

Game Guide by Monarch on  Mar 20, 2025

Panam Palmer is one of the romanceable characters in Cyberpunk 2077, and if you're looking to build a relationship with her, you'll need to make the right choices. You'll first meet her during a story mission in the Badlands, and from there, you'll need to complete several main jobs and side jobs to deepen your connection.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Romance, Sexy, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Throughout these missions, you'll have to seduce her by picking the right dialogue options. As long as you support her and choose responses that align with helping her, you'll be on the right track. She also enjoys drinking, so selecting drink-related options can work in your favor.

There are key dialogue choices that you must get right—otherwise, you won't be able to romance Panam. This guide will walk you through every important decision you need to make. If a dialogue option isn't mentioned here, it doesn't impact the romance, and you can choose freely.

Getting to Know Panam Palmer

It's important to note that Panam will only romance a Male V, so if you're playing as a Female V, this path won't be available. Also, since these missions take several hours to complete, be sure to save frequently in case you need to reload a previous choice. If a particular mission isn't available, just skip time and wait for Panam to call you again.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Ass, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Ghost Town

The first major choice happens during the main job, Ghost Town. You'll need to retrieve Panam's car, but before that, you must find the key. Once you have it, make sure to eliminate the remaining gang members before completing the task.

Once inside her car, Panam will ask for your help. When presented with four yellow dialogue options, pick:

"Okay, so where's this hideout?"

After this mission, you'll be at a bar with Panam. Any drink-related options will help with romance. If you're unsure, just follow the same choices as shown in this guide.

When you rent a room for the night, you'll have a choice about sharing a room. Selecting responses that hint at spending time together will move the romance forward, but Panam will still insist on keeping things professional for now.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Romance, Sexy, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Lightning Breaks

The next main job is called Lightning Breaks. If a dialogue isn't mentioned here, then it doesn't matter which option you pick.

During this mission, you'll discuss Mitch and Scorpion's fate, and Panam will express concern about the launcher ahead. When she insists on going with you, tell her:

"Panam, you're hurt. Wait in the car. I'll handle it."

Later, when discussing the attack on the AV, she'll be frustrated about how things played out. Choose dialogue options that support her rather than blaming her.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Romance, Sexy, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Riders on the Storm

This is your first side job with Panam, and it's filled with important dialogue choices. There are two critical decisions you must get right.

When Panam expresses trust in you, respond with the following:

"Always, Panam. You and me."

Later, when she asks if you'll ride with her, say:

"Yeah, of course. I'm going with you."

During a later scene at the farm, Panam will share a moment of camaraderie. She'll mention how she feels comfortable, and you'll have the chance to flirt with her. Selecting dialogue that hints at romantic interest will strengthen your bond, but she may still hesitate.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Romance, Sexy, Screenshot, NoobFeed

With a Little Help from My Friends

In this side job, three key dialogue choices influence the romance. One of them isn't obvious, so follow along carefully.

When Panam opens up about her feelings, respond with:

"Missed you pretty bad."

She will try to avoid confrontation about her emotions. Push the conversation forward by saying:

"Okay, but let's skip the tiptoeing. Where are we now?"

She will admit she cares about you but is afraid of ruining things. Reassure her with:

"Try following the impulse next time."

Later in the mission, you'll spend time together under the night sky. This moment strengthens your relationship, but Panam is still holding back.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Palmer, Romance, Sex Scene, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Queen of the Highway

This is the final side job in Panam's storyline, and if you've done everything correctly, this is where you finally get your reward.

At this point, Panam will no longer hold back, and the romance will fully unfold. Completing this mission also unlocks the "Life on the Road" achievement, marking the conclusion of Panam's storyline.

To avoid spoilers, I won't reveal the final reward, but if you've followed all the right choices, you'll get to experience it for yourself.

Cyberpunk 2077, Panam Ending, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Final Thoughts

That wraps up everything you need to romance Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk 2077. If you've made the right choices, she will eventually open up to you, and your bond will turn into a full-fledged romance.

Also, check our Cyberpunk 2077 ReviewCyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review, and other guides below:

Jubair Baky

Editor, NoobFeed

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