Cyberpunk 2077 Guide | Judy Álvarez Romance

Win Judy’s trust, follow her story, and unlock a heartfelt romance.

Game Guide by Monarch on  Mar 19, 2025

Judy Álvarez is one of the romanceable characters in Cyberpunk 2077, and if you want to pursue a relationship with her, you’ll need to make the right choices. This guide walks you through every step required to romance Judy and unlock her exclusive side missions and interactions.

Before getting started, keep in mind that Judy will only romance a Female V—if you’re playing as a male V, this path won’t be available. However, your life path doesn’t matter, so whether you’re a Nomad, Street Kid, or Corpo, you can still romance her.

Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez, Sexy, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Getting to Know Judy

You’ll meet Judy early in the game through Evelyn Parker, but she won’t trust you at first. She’ll be wary and distant, and you’ll need to earn her trust by making the right choices.

Your first step in this romance is completing Automatic Love, a main story mission that can’t be missed. Without giving away major spoilers, this mission involves tracking down Evelyn’s whereabouts and leads to a series of three additional main story quests: The Space In Between, Disasterpiece, and Double Life.

To build trust with Judy, she always takes her side during these missions. Choosing dialogue options that support her strengthens your relationship and keeps the romance path open.

As you progress through the story, Judy will start contacting you through phone calls and texts. Make sure to answer her calls and reply to her messages—this ensures that you receive her side missions when they become available.

Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez, Sexy, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Judy’s Side Missions

After completing the main story quests, you’ll unlock five side missions related to Judy. These must be completed to continue her romance path.

The first two side missions, Both Sides, Now and Ex-Factor, don’t have any major impact on your relationship. They’re straightforward, so just complete them while continuing to support Judy whenever possible.

The next three side missions are crucial to romancing Judy.

Talking About a Revolution

In this mission, Judy will invite you over to her apartment, where she’ll share her concerns about her friends. To continue the romance, you must agree to help her.

If you refuse to help, you will be permanently locked out of her romance path. To keep the relationship going, always support her decisions and commit to assisting her.

Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez, Sexy, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed


During this mission, you’ll encounter Maiko, a key character involved in Judy’s storyline. At one point, Maiko will propose a plan and offer you a payment.

There are three choices, but only two will keep the romance open:

Do not accept Maiko’s payment. If you agree to her plan but refuse the money, you can still romance Judy.

Reject Maiko entirely and fight her. If you choose to eliminate Maiko, Judy will also be pleased with this outcome.

The only choice that locks you out of the romance is accepting Maiko’s payment. If you take the money, Judy will become disillusioned with you, and the romance will be permanently unavailable.

Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez, Sexy, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Pyramid Song

If you’ve followed all the correct choices, this mission serves as the final step in Judy’s romance arc. Judy will invite you to meet her by the sea, where she’ll be wearing scuba diving gear. As the mission progresses, you’ll find yourselves alone in the bathroom, and at this moment, you need to kiss her when the option appears.

Once you do this, the romance scene will trigger, and you will have successfully romanced Judy Álvarez.

The next morning, she will express her feelings, and you must respond with:

“This is just the beginning of something amazing.”

Judy will then give you the keys to her apartment, allowing you to use it as a new safe house. You’ll also be able to call her throughout the game, and depending on your main story choices, she may even reappear in the epilogue.

Cyberpunk 2077, Judy Alvarez, Sexy, Romance, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Final Thoughts

That wraps up this step-by-step guide on romancing Judy in Cyberpunk 2077. If you follow every choice correctly, she will fully commit to you, and you’ll unlock her apartment and additional interactions.

Also, check our Cyberpunk 2077 ReviewCyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review, and other guides below:

Jubair Baky

Editor, NoobFeed

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