Cyberpunk 2077 Guide | Top 5 Best Side-Quests
Dive into Night City's best side quests and discover their secrets.
Game Guide by Monarch on Mar 22, 2025
Cyberpunk 2077 has hundreds of hours of content. Its main storyline can be completed in about 20 to 30 hours, but much like The Witcher 3, the game truly shines in the vast number of side jobs. These are some that connect to later main story missions and others that are just great writing.
Here are five of the best side jobs in the game, how to get them, recommendations for the best outcome, and why they are great.
Heroes (Jackie's Ofrenda)
"Heroes" involves hosting an Ofrenda to commemorate Jackie in Act 2. You can only access this quest if you send Jackie's body to Mama Welles when prompted by Delamain. Sending him to Misty results in him being taken by Arasaka and becoming a poorly copied engram.
To start, call Mama Welles and head to El Coyote Cojo. She will ask you to find something from Jackie's garage for the Ofrenda. Outside, you meet Misty, and this is when you truly get to know her as Jackie's girlfriend. Scanning and interacting with items in the garage reveals touching details about Jackie's life.
You must choose one item to place on the table during the Ofrenda. Attendees, including Viktor, share speeches before you give your own, with dialogue options varying based on your life path. You can also mend the rift between Mama Welles and Misty by speaking on Misty's behalf.
The final part involves talking to the attendees, drinking in Jackie's memory, and reflecting on good times. Later, return to the memorial to receive Jackie's iconic pistols, La Chingona Dorada.
Riders on the Storm (To Haboobs!)
The Aldecaldo questline features some of the best missions in the game, with "Riders on the Storm" standing out. A few days after completing "Life During Wartime" and capturing Anders Hellman, Panam will call, asking for help in rescuing Saul, who has been captured by the Wraiths.
During the drone briefing, take note of infiltration paths. You can charge in through the front door for a tough battle or for those with 9+ Technical Ability, and there's an easy stealth route via a service tunnel. Alternatively, you can go for a more creative approach, using stealth and hacking.
Once Saul is freed, you must escape the Wraith camp. A quiet approach avoids further combat, but if you are loud, you'll experience a rare instance of vehicle combat, which can be one of the toughest aiming experiences in the game.
The real highlight of this mission is the sandstorm shelter scene with Panam. The flirtatious tension is at its peak when Saul goes to sleep. Panam comments, "Do you know what they call these storms in North Africa? Haboobs. Damn, I love that word."
The atmospheric music and intimate setting make this a beautifully written moment. The game tricks you into thinking things are progressing well, only for Panam to shut down your advances in the least awkward way possible. However, the romance arc continues to build gradually over several missions, making it one of the most natural developments in gaming.
Pyramid Song (Diving in Laguna Lake)
"Pyramid Song" is quite a memorable quest in which you learn a lot about Judy and what has happened to her. You can get to this quest by finishing "Pisces" and refusing to take Maiko's money.
In this mission, unlike other underwater levels, you do not get to move freely. You and Judy are neurally synchronized and can hear her thoughts and memories. At one point, she even hears Johnny inside your head.
If playing as a female V, this quest offers the best romance in the game. The relationship builds naturally over time, and Judy's decision to stay in Night City instead of leaving is a touching moment. As a male V, she simply leaves, and you remain long-distance friends.
Aside from romance, this quest is a well-written and enjoyable experience, and it is among the most memorable side quests in Cyberpunk 2077.
Dream On (Peralez Conspiracy)
Dream On is arguably the game's least existing quest. After you've finished "I Fought the Law," you're contacted by Jefferson Peralez and asked to look into a strange burglary. He recalls shooting an intruder but later waking up with no evidence of an attack.
Investigating their apartment reveals hidden surveillance and memory alteration. The security firm SSI has been rewriting Jefferson's personality through unknown technology. A hidden room in their apartment confirms that their lives are being totally manipulated.
When hacking a surveillance van, you discover that Jefferson's tastes and memories are being altered. Elizabeth later confirms that Jefferson has changed overnight, even forgetting he had a brother. The final choice is whether to tell Jefferson the truth, potentially sending him into paranoia, or to let him remain blissfully ignorant.
The game barely broaches a larger conspiracy that might or might not involve Mr. Blue Eyes and an AI government takeover. It is to be seen whether Phantom Liberty or future sequels to Cyberpunk will build on it.
Blistering Love (Rogue Drive-in Date)
Far from an electric thrill ride, "Blistering Love" is, instead, quite a lovely moment of reminiscence. After completing "Chippin' In," Johnny asks you to take Rogue on a date to a drive-in movie.
For the best experience, drive Johnny's Porsche to the date, as Rogue will reminisce about their past. Although the theater has long been abandoned, you break in and start the projector. Easter eggs in the terminal reference famous franchises, including "A Song of Ice and Chrome."
The background music ambiance and mood set up a poignant moment for Johnny to make his apology for his past bad behavior. The assignment doesn't fade into a loving moment; instead, it zeroes in on Rogue's character traits, which bring us back to reality. Deathbed confessions to your former love wearing a suit that doesn't belong to you is a deeply painful scenario, and "Blistering Love" is one of the game's best-written missions.
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