Rainbow Six Siege Halloween Themed Event Starts Today

Halloweens starts early in Rainbow Six Siege

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 25, 2019

Everyone is having a special Halloween event. With Ubisoft starting their Rainbow Six Siege Doktor's Cruse event right now.

Rainbow Six Siege,NoobFeed,Ubisoft,

The event will star healing Operator Doc who has gone map and made the Theme Park map his home. Doc is performing some dark experiments, creating haunting versions of Smoke, Kapkan, Frost, Lesion, and Ela.

The Operators can be played in the new game mode as players try to survive the Doktor's experiments. Basically it's a game of hide and sneak. If the Defenders survive until the timer runs out or kills the attackers they win. If the attackers kill all the monsters they win.

Rainbow Six Siege is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. The event will run until November 6th.

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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