Bethesda Reveals Fallout 76's Wastelanders Community Calender for March, April, and May and Removes Level Zones
Every special event coming to Fallout 76 in the upcoming months detailed
News by Grayshadow on Mar 05, 2020
Wastelanders launches this April 7th and will serve as Fallout 76's 2.0 launch. Adding NPCs and attempting to fix this broken title. With Bethesda detailing the new updates in a blog post, including future events throughout March, April, and May.
As seen in the Calender above Bethesda has a lot of special events planned. But also detailed the upcoming Wastelanders update and what players can expect.
Bethesda confirms that new Safe Havens will be added to the game. With the areas of Foundation and The Crater. Foundation is home for the Settlers and The Crater for Raiders. Players can trade, get quests, and talk to NPCs in these locations. You'll start off earning experience for one faction but will have to choose between one or the other. You can still visit the opposing camp but added benefits are provided based on who you side with. Players can recruit NPCs outside from the main quest and obtain missions from them and have them protect your C.A.M.P..
Bethesda confirmed that NPCs are all over the map, with Lacey and Isela being the first interactions for new players. Located outside Vault 76 these characters will replace the old intros and offer new dialogue to veteran players.
Duchess is the host of The Wayward that will serve as the game's instance system. These areas won't be empty locations. One of many Fallout 76's issues was that players will enter locations already looted. That won't be the case here.
“Instances were a huge step for us, because one of the things it allows us to do is tell a tailored story to anyone that’s entering it,” says Baudoin. “Before, when you would go into these places, who knows what state it could have been in? People could have gone in and cleared out the entire dungeon. There could have been literally nothing left for you to do, and that’s kind of a hit-or-miss experience. Also, you will not get an empty dungeon. You’ll get an experience that’s full of life and is tailored to you going in there. Also, there was no way we could really react to you. Your choices, your decisions. Instances make it so we can cumulatively, step-by-step keep track of what you’ve chosen so it can be reflected as you go along."
NPCs will have branching dialogue like in Fallout 4 and rewrite older conversations.
Perhaps the biggest change is the removal of level zones. Instead, enemies will be the same level as you and your friends.
Bethesda also answered the most asked community questions:
Yes you can nuke NPCs camps and they'll react accordingly
Wastelanders will not override story content in the base game
You can play alone or with allies
Bethesda is continuing to make stability, balance, and other changes to the game.
These are a lot of promises and considering Fallout 76's track record perhaps it'll have some issues. Despite Bethesda's best effort to turn around this trainwreck of a release, the game has had more issues over the months. With hackers stealing gear from other players, spawning in assets from other Fallout games, more game-breaking issues, and so much more. Not to mention the Fallout 1st program which is still insidious, providing advantages for premium players.
Fallout 76 is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. The Steam release will launch on April 7th.
Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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