Remnant II - The Dark Horizon Guide | Top 5 DLC Weapons
Here's everything you need to know on the top 5 weapons in Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon DLC.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 16, 2025
In this guide, you will discover five weapons worth scooping up and learn how to maximize their awesome potential in Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon.
Black Greatsword
If you're a fan of melee weapons in Remnant 2, then the Black Greatsword might be just what you're looking for. To unlock this weapon, you first need to travel to Ward 13 and purchase everything from Brabus, the Arms Dealer. Speak to him again after clearing out his shop, and he'll say he's got one last thing that McCabe might be interested in.
At this point, he'll hand you over the black metal bars crafting material, which you can bring back to Ava McCabe. She will then begin crafting—but unlike the other weapons and mods she creates, this one will take some time. You'll need to go exploring, teleporting around, or doing a couple runs, but eventually make your way back to her shop.
For your patience, you'll be rewarded with the Black Greatsword. This is actually a reference to the anime Berserk, whose main character, Guts, wields the iconic Dragon Slayer Greatsword. What's cool about this weapon is that it comes with the Guts Mutator by default, which increases melee critical chance by 5% when gray health is present, providing an even greater value when the mod is leveled up to 10.
The weapon also has a special interaction with the Guts Mutator, Berserker Crest ring, and Whispering Marble Amulet when equipped, reducing your charge time with the weapon by 10% per item for a total reduction of 30% when all three are equipped. Overall, the sword is incredibly heavy, and you're absolutely going to get hit trying to make this thing work, but when you do land a hit with the weapon's fully charged attack and follow up super chop, the amount of damage you deal is amongst the highest in the game and certainly in the top five.
Harvester Scythe
The second melee weapon you'll want to scoop up is the Harvester Scythe. This is actually the starting melee weapon for the new Warden archetype. The Harvester Scythe is relatively easy to find—you just need to know how to navigate the DLC's Overworld in the Agronomy sector. In Overworld, you'll want to reach the Anterior Recess World Stone. From here, head outside and hang a left, killing the enemies in your way.
Make your way through the alien cornfield and reach the glider. Jump on and then start descending while banking to the right; you're heading for this opening low to the purple sludge, so don't drop too much, or you won't make it. Head underneath and then follow the geysers; you'll eventually shoot up to a small landing where you'll have to fight the Astral Harvester Aberration. Kill it, and then head through this area until you reach a small chamber. There, you can pick up the Harvester Scythe.
This weapon has 65 base damage, a 12% crit hit chance, 100% weak spot damage, and a 33.4% stagger modifier. The weapon also has the baked-in mod Phantom Blade. When using a charged melee attack, a ghost copy of the blade will spin out, dealing 35% of the initial damage as a copy. Each hit of the Phantom Blade increases melee attack speed and melee charge speed by 6% which stacks upto five times
Repair Tool
The first and arguably the easiest ranged weapon to pick up is the Repair Tool. This single weapon allows you to heal allies, replenish the energy of N'Erudian summons, and damage enemies as well. To be clear, you cannot get this item if you're in your one shot; you have to be in either Campaign Mode or Roll your N'Erud Adventure Mode.
Just like the Pulse Rifle, this secret occurs when you have a specific set of tiles in the Dark Horizon Story. Once you crash land in the Agronomy sector, the first Overworld—you'll want to head around the train car and up the hill to the left. There, you can enter a chamber and see a familiar purple console. What you're looking for is one of those slots to be empty. If you look at the back of the room, you should see the weapon on the ground behind an energy force field.
Just like before, you need to track down either the Decorum Cipher in the Terminus Station dungeon or the Memory Core 2 found in the dormant N'Erudian facility. This is why you can't complete this in one shot because those are old dungeons. Once you've secured your item, you can place it in the terminal, take down the force field, and claim the Repair Tool.
As mentioned, this is the starting weapon of the Warden if you create a new character, and it's incredibly unique. Depending on who you point at, the weapon will deal damage to enemies or heal allies for 3% of their max health per second. Repair Tool is also able to restore the energy of the turrets and extend their uptime.
Dark Matter Gauntlets
Dark Matter Gauntlets is easily a top 5 in the entire game. To unlock these gauntlets, you need to defeat Alepsis Taura—the black hole entity and the end boss of the Dark Horizon DLC—but only after destroying both white pylons tethered to The Entity found after key dungeons. These are impossible to miss when you run dungeons, but it's very possible to go straight to the boss without destroying these, which will net a different reward entirely.
The boss fight will overwhelm your senses which you might relate to the final phase of annihilation. The boss constantly moves around, so you have to be really focused during the fight. The fight demands a long range approach, so if you have a close range build, it is going to be very painful.
You'll receive the materials once the boss is defeated, you'll receive the materials, which you can take back to Ava McCabe in Ward 13 and craft the Dark Matter Gauntlets. These gauntlets alone are powerful, but in combination with the Warden archetype and a load of items that lean into shields, they end up being extremely powerful. It is important to note that their range is almost non-existent as you quite literally have to be up in an enemy's face if you want to deal damage; hence, shields are so powerful; they'll keep you protected.
However, that's the only real drawback, as the attack speed while wearing the gauntlets is insane, which is made even better when paired with a supporting mutator. The real secret sauce to these gauntlets is the baked in mod Kilonova, which allows you to charge up your gauntlets with N'Erudian energy, giving you a flat melee damage buff and access to two additional types of attacks.
To do this, you simply need to perform a charged attack from a neutral state. The first empowered attack is a ranged punch, which you can execute by simply doing a charged attack once the gauntlets are empowered. When you attack, a jet of black energy shoots out, dealing damage to any enemies caught in its path—it doesn't have a long-range, but it does have pierce, which is great. The second empowered attack is just ridiculous.
Once the gauntlets are empowered, you can neutral dodge and then charged attack to energize the gauntlets even more. When you release the attack, a beam of energy shoots out in front of you that sustains for a short period, continuously dealing damage to any enemies in its path.
To unlock the Monorail, you need to defeat Alepsis Taura once again, but this time, you need to use the method for the alt kill. This is actually very easy to do, and you might even do it by accident, depending on your first playthrough.
In order to fight Alepsis Taura's alternate form, you need to leave up both white pylons that are found at two different points throughout the DLC. If you're exploring every dungeon and following the quest line, you'll no doubt run into these, but you can be straight for the boss in the Withered Necropolis, which is the easiest way to challenge its alt form.
The bottom line is don't engage with either white pylon. When you get to the Withered Necropolis, just glider your way to the back of the zone, enter the Convergence Map, and confront the final boss.
The boss will try to convince you not to fight just yet, but don't lose your focus—challenge the boss and take it. Once again, to be honest, the fight doesn't differ wildly in its alt form, but there are some slightly different mechanics—nothing you can't handle. The encounter is still incredibly range-dependent, so bring long-range options. Once you defeat the boss, you'll claim The Eternity Chamber material, which you can bring back to Ward 13 and craft into the Monorail.
This weapon is a rail gun in every sense of the word, allowing you to manually charge up each shot—the longer you hold down the charge, the more damage you deal, but there is a very real chance of completely blowing yourself up. The baked in mod Recoil Dampener stabilizes the weapon, increasing charge speed by 25% and reducing recoil and sway by 75%, and this effect lasts for 20 seconds.
Additionally, for each 5% of the charge meter filled upon firing, you'll gain a 1% increase to crit chance and damage, maxing out at 20%. You can see a ton of people gravitating to this weapon mainly because of how powerful it is, and while it's not the best weapon to deal with hordes, you can easily make it work within the right build and accompanying Mutator.
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