Diablo III Anniversary Update Adds PS4 Pro 4K Support

New Diablo III update adds special PS4 Pro 4K support

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 04, 2017

Overwatch isn't the only console game getting some love from Blizzard. Diablo III players on the PS4 Pro are getting a new update that allows for 4K resolution.

Diablo III,Blizzard,NoobFeed,

This update isn't only limited to the PS4, update 1.15 brings a remade version of the first Diablo for January only. You can access it via portal after hunting down cultists and looting missive from their bodies. The development team also added a filter to give the dungeon a retro feel, locked the camera in the original position, and movement to the original 8 directions.


New Feature: 20th Anniversary Event

A mysterious group of Cultists is stirring up trouble! Hunt them down in Adventure Mode to uncover clues that reveal a portal into Tristram’s past, and rediscover the terrifying darkness that took hold of the town so many years ago…

This event is only available in January

Hardware Support

Support has been added for 4k ouput for the PS4 Pro




Now has 3 charges

Cooldown per charge remains 12 seconds with a chance to be reduced slightly by critical strikes

Bug Fixes

Several bug fixes have been applied to Monk and Wizard skills


Legendary Items

Red Soulstone Shard

New Legendary Gem

Periodically struggle for control, unleashing a ring of Fire that inflicts 12,500% weapon damage to enemies it passes through.

With the above change, the primary effect of the gem deals significantly more damage at the gem’s base level, but scales more slowly with additional levels

After gaining a level, your resource costs are removed and cooldowns on skills are reduced by 75% for 15 30 seconds. (Requires Rank 25)

Class Specific Items

Several items have been updated with new powers for each of the six classes

Several class set powers have also received changes

Bug Fixes

Corruption shoulders can now be properly crafted at the Blacksmith

Bug fixes have been applied to several existing legendary items, including Hellfire Amulet, Illusory Boots, Pinto’s Pride, and Flail of the Ascended

Fixed an issue that caused cosmetic pets to be dismissed unintentionally

Fixed a bug causing transmogrify options to not properly unlock sometimes when first acquiring an item which grants a new transmogrify option

Fixed a bug which caused the buff from the Legendary item Ahvarion, Spear of Lycander to end when changing floors in a Greater Rift

Fixed an issue which caused the Bones cosmetic pet to incorrectly produce sound when players interacted with some user interface elements

Fixed an issue which caused +Elemental damage bonuses on weapons to override the damage bonus granted to Ancient Spear by Skular’s Salvation and its elemental type

Fixed an issue which allowed Necrosis damage from the Helltooth Harness set to be reflected back by some enemies onto Witch Doctors using projectiles like Poison Dart

Adventure Mode


The number of enemy kills required to complete the following Bounties has been reduced:

Kill Aloysius

Kill Axegrave

Kill Bholen

Kill Captain Donn Adams

Kill The Crusher


The Cesspools map has been adjusted

Enemy density and overall map size have been reduced

This area can now appear as the starting dungeon in Rifts and Greater Rifts

Greater Rifts

We have made a number changes to improve the play experience of Greater Rifts

The stacking effect of the following is now cleared upon entering a Greater Rift

The items Lord Greenstone’s Fan, Fortress Ballista and Flail of the Ascended

The skills Arcane Dynamo and Mythic Rhythm

The gold reward and empower cost for Greater Rift 25 and above have been increased

The ratio between gold reward and empower cost remains about the same

Players will now get an extra chance to upgrade their Legendary Gems if they do not die in a Greater Rifts

Greed’s Realm

The portal to Greed’s Realm will now close 60 seconds after opening Greed’s chest

With this, players may now open multiple portals to the realm in a single game


The waypoint for Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 in Adventure Mode has been moved from the entrance to the midpoint of the level in order to provide quicker access to some bounties

With this change, bounties requiring you to kill unique enemies will only spawn these enemies in the first half of the dungeon, and all monsters on the map will contribute to bounty progress

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue preventing the scene for “Bounty: Research Problems” from spawning

Fixed bugs that led to large open areas with no monsters in some rooms in Greater Rifts, which was especially common near the entrance to certain floors


Several quality of life improvements have been made to enemies

Enemy Affixes


Will now be cancelled immediately if the shielded monster is the last remaining monster in a pack

Reflects Damage

Now fires a projectile instead of instantly dealing damage to the player

The warning duration for this affix has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1, and its active duration has been reduced from 6 seconds to 4


Crawling lightning generated by this affix now pierces, allowing it to damage multiple targets in succession

With this, the damage caused by this affix has been reduced by about 35%


New enemy affix

Juggernaut monsters are permanently immune to crowd control effects, but move more slowly than normal monsters

Along with this change, enemies with this affix take 30% more damage from all sources

Only a rare Elite enemy can be a Juggernaut


The duration of this enemy affix has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

The time between when a wormhole is placed until it becomes active has been reduced to match the visual effect

The pull distance for this affix has been reduced to better match the visual effect

Wormholes should spawn on top of each other less often

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue which caused Winged Assassins to sometimes travel across the ground instead of through the air when leaping

Fixed an issue which prevented Greater Rift Guardians from reliably teleporting to players when they spawned more than a few screens away

Fixed an issue which sometimes cause Rift Guardians to spawn in a location where they couldn’t be targeted



Now transitions more swiftly between his normal and larger version boss phases

Quality of Life


Can now be accessed through a new tab at the Mystic

This includes Collector’s Edition dyes

With this change, dyes will no longer be sold by vendors

Bug Fixes

Fixed display and text issues with some skills and items

Fixed an issue causing keybind issues when the UI was hidden

Fixed a bug which caused Followers to sometimes become idle in combat

Fixed an issue which prevented Followers from being dismissed while they were incapacitated in battle

Fixed an issue which allowed pets and Followers to be attacked immediately after exiting a portal

PC Version:


New Feature: 20th Anniversary Event

A mysterious group of Cultists is stirring up trouble! Hunt them down in Adventure Mode to uncover clues that reveal a portal into Tristram’s past, and rediscover the terrifying darkness that took hold of the town so many years ago…

This event is only available in January

Please note that future anniversary events will feature a pre-cursor event available from January 1-3.

Hardware Support

Support has been added for the Corsair Utility Engine (CUE) SDK and Razer peripherals

Supported backlit keyboards will respond to certain in-game situations like Legendary and Set item drops, characters leveling up, and more

Players will need to update their firmware for supported devices to use this feature

Added a 64-bit client as default for 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems

With this, players should see improvements to system performance and faster loading times

This change uses DirectX 11 natively, which brings support for normal maps, per pixel lighting and improved anti-aliasing options

The 32-bit client is still available as an option through the Battle.net Launcher

Added a screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) pixel shader option

Added a large cursor option

Improved support for 60Hz+ monitors

Bug Fixes

Resolved an issue that could cause crashes in some instances




Now has 3 charges

Cooldown per charge remains 12 seconds with a chance to be reduced slightly by critical strikes

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue which caused Wave of Light to sometimes fail to deal damage when players were under the effect of Epiphany

Fixed a bug which prevented a Hydra from being spawned when two Mirror Images attempted to cast Summon Hydra at the same time

Fixed an issue which caused the active effect of Earth Ally and Fire Ally to not benefit from Attacks Per Second or +Mystic Ally damage

Fixed an issue which prevented the Archon version of Teleport from correctly incorporating the player’s attacks per second


Legendary Items

Red Soulstone Shard

New Legendary Gem

Periodically struggle for control, unleashing a ring of Fire that inflicts 12,500% weapon damage to enemies it passes through

With the above change, the primary effect of the gem deals significantly more damage at the gem’s base level, but scales more slowly with additional levels

After gaining a level, your resource costs are removed and cooldowns on skills are reduced by 75% for 30 seconds (Requires Rank 25)

Class Specific Items

New items have been added to the game


Armor of Akkhan

Talisman of Akkhan (Amulet)

Has been added as a 7th piece to Armor of Akkhan

The set’s current bonuses and powers remain the same

This amulet will always roll with Critical Hit Chance in addition to 3 other random affixes

Some existing class-specific Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power

Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes; only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power

With the below changes, the minimum levels required to use these items have been adjusted to match the level at which their corresponding skills unlock


Saffron Wrap

The damage of your next Overpower is increased by 40-50% for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 enemies


Faithful Memory

Each enemy hit by Falling Sword increases the damage of Blessed Hammer by 50-60% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 10 times

Demon Hunter

Hellcat Waistguard

Grenades have a chance to bounce 3-5 times, dealing an additional 50% damage on each bounce

This bonus is increased to 800% on the final bounce

The following skills are affected by this power:

Cluster Arrow – Dazzling Arrow, Cluster Bombs, Loaded for Bear, and No Rune

Rain of Vengeance – Anathema

Strafe – Demolition

Rapid Fire – Bombardment


Rabid Strike

Spirit spenders that teleport you while Epiphany is active are also mimicked on a distant target for free

Witch Doctor

The Barber

Instead of dealing direct damage, your Spirit Barrage now accumulates on the target

When you stop casting, it explodes dealing the accumulated damage to all enemies within 15 yards


Manald Heal

Enemies stunned with Paralysis also take 13,000-14,000% weapon damage as Lightning

The functionality of some items has changed


Defender of Westmarch

Can no longer summon a wolf more than once per second

Damage done by the wolf is increased for each block made during the interim

Witch Doctor

Jeram’s Bracers

The minimum level for this item to drop has changed from 12 to 31 in order to match the level at which Wall of Death unlocks

The following class set powers have received changes


Wrath of the Wastes

(6) Set Bonus

Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and all Whirlwind damage is increased by 800%

The damage of your Dust Devils is increased by 180%

Please note that these changes will not be reflected in the item’s tooltip


Roland’s Legacy

(4) Set Bonus

Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by 1250%

(6) Set Bonus

Every use of Shield Bash or Sweep Attack that hits an enemy grants 50% increased Attack Speed and 15% damage reduction for 8 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Demon Hunter

Embodiment of the Marauder

(6) Set Bonus

Your primary skills, Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, Cluster Arrow, Companions, and Vengeance deal 1200% increased damage for every active Sentry


Inna’s Mantra

(6) Set Bonus

Gain the five runed Mystic Allies at all times and your damage is increased by 100% for each Mystic Ally you have out

Witch Doctor

Spirit of Arachyr

(6) Set Bonus

The damage of your creature skills is increased by 2400%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Locust Swarm, Hex, and Piranhas.


Delsere’s Magnum Opus

(6) Set Bonus

Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 2800% increased damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Explosive Blast, Magic Missile, Shock Pulse, Spectral Blade, and Wave of Force abilities.

Bug Fixes

Hellfire Amulet

Fixed an issue where Fetishes spawned by this item with the Fetish Sycophants passive would not reduce the cooldown of Big Bad Voodoo correctly when Starmetal Kukri was equipped

Illusory Boots

Will now properly allow Crusaders using Steed Charge to pass through walls

Pinto’s Pride

Fixed a bug where the bonus Wave of Light damage from this item was not being calculated correctly

Flail of the Ascended

Now takes into account +Shield Bash affix bonuses in its damage

Damage stacks will now persist when changing gear and picking up items

Faithful Memory

Fixed an issue where Faithful Memory was not properly buffing damage from certain Blessed Hammer runes

Fixed an issue which sometimes caused cosmetic pets to be dismissed unintentionally, requiring the player to resummon them through the collections UI

Fixed a bug causing transmogrify options to not properly unlock sometimes when first acquiring an item which grants a new transmogrify option

Fixed a bug which caused the buff from the Legendary item Ahvarion, Spear of Lycander to end when changing floors in a Greater Rift

Fixed an issue which caused the Bones cosmetic pet to incorrectly produce sound when players interacted with some user interface elements

Fixed an issue which caused +Elemental damage bonuses on weapons to override the damage bonus granted to Ancient Spear by Skular’s Salvation and its elemental type

Fixed an issue which allowed Necrosis damage from the Helltooth Harness set to be reflected back by some enemies onto Witch Doctors using projectiles like Poison Dart

Season Journey

The Destroyer and Guardian tiers of the Season Journey will no longer require players to augment an Ancient Legendary item using level 30 or higher and level 40 or higher Legendary gems, respectively

Along with this, the Conqueror tier now requires players to augment one Ancient Legendary item using a Legendary Gem at level 50 or higher

Starting with Season 9, players will be able to complete the Sanctuary’s Most Wanted objective in the Season Journey across multiple games


The number of enemy kills required to complete the following Bounties has been reduced

Kill Aloysius

Kill Axegrave

Kill Bholen

Kill Captain Donn Adams

Kill The Crusher


The Cesspools map has been adjusted

Enemy density and overall map size have been reduced

This area can now appear as the starting dungeon in Rifts and Greater Rifts

Greater Rifts

We have made a number of changes to improve the play experience of Greater Rifts

The Greater Rift progress bar now displays the percentage completion at the end of the bar when it is nearly filled

Monsters should now be more evenly distributed on each floor in Greater Rifts

Along with this, the experience and Greater Rift progression awarded for defeating many smaller monsters has been increased

The size of each floor in a Greater Rift is now more consistent

On average, a rift should take between two and four floors to clear

There is no longer an increased chance to see the same tile set when you venture down a floor in a Greater Rift

There is now a guaranteed area at the entrance of each floor with no monsters

This area is just large enough for ranged characters to maneuver

Several additional monster types can now appear as Champions and Elites

Greater Rifts now spawn Hellhide Tremors, Disentombed Hulks, Sand Dwellers, and Colossol Golgors with other monsters in somewhat larger groups

Greater Rifts now spawn somewhat fewer Sand Wasps and Fallen Grunts on floors where they appear

The stacking effect of the following is now cleared upon entering a Greater Rift

The items Lord Greenstone’s Fan, Fortress Ballista and Flail of the Ascended

The skills Arcane Dynamo and Mythic Rhythm

The gold reward and empower cost for Greater Rift 25 and above have been increased

The ratio between gold reward and empower cost remains about the same

Players will now get an extra chance to upgrade their Legendary Gems if they do not die in a Greater Rift

Greed’s Realm

The portal to Greed’s Realm will now close 60 seconds after opening Greed’s chest

With this, players may now open multiple portals to the realm in a single game


The waypoint for Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 in Adventure Mode has been moved from the entrance to the midpoint of the level in order to provide quicker access to some bounties

With this change, bounties requiring you to kill unique enemies will only spawn these enemies in the first half of the dungeon, and all monsters on the map will contribute to bounty progress

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue preventing the scene for Bounty: Research Problems from spawning

Fixed bugs that led to large open areas with no monsters in some rooms in Greater Rifts, which was especially common near the entrance to certain floors


Quality of life improvements have been made to enemies

Several enemies that leap at the player can now be killed in mid-air, including Winged Assassins, Punishers, Lacuni Huntresses, and Burrowing Leapers

Several enemies that can become un-attackable, such as Sandsharks, Snakemen, and Rockworms now spend more time vulnerable. When these enemies do burrow or stealth, they no longer remain in this state for more than 3 seconds

In addition, emerging Rockworms now always show ground cracks to help attentive players avoid their initial attack

The Succubus’ Bloodstar attack has had its damage reduced by 15% and the projectile’s travel distance has been reduced

The damage from Khazra spears has been reduced by 15%

The damage from Ice Porcupine icicles has been reduced by 15%

Enemy Affixes


Will now be cancelled immediately if the shielded monster is the last remaining monster in a pack

Reflects Damage

Now fires a projectile instead of instantly dealing damage to the player

The warning duration for this affix has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1, and its active duration has been reduced from 6 seconds to 4


Crawling lightning generated by this affix now pierces, allowing it to damage multiple targets in succession

With this, the damage caused by this affix has been reduced by about 35%


New enemy affix

Juggernaut monsters are permanently immune to crowd control effects, but move more slowly than normal monsters

Along with this change, enemies with this affix take 30% more damage from all sources

Only a rare Elite enemy can be a Juggernaut

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue which caused Winged Assassins to sometimes travel across the ground instead of through the air when leaping

Fixed an issue which prevented Greater Rift Guardians from reliably teleporting to players when they spawned more than a few screens away

Fixed an issue which sometimes cause Rift Guardians to spawn in a location where they couldn’t be targeted


Now transitions more swiftly between his normal and larger version boss phases

Bug Fixes

Fixed the wording on the “Socket To Me” achievement to clarify that socketing only one gem is required


Can now be accessed through a new tab at the Mystic

This includes Collector’s Edition dyes

With this change, dyes will no longer be sold by vendors

Bug Fixes

Fixed display and text issues with some skills and items

Fixed an issue causing keybind issues when the UI was hidden

Fixed a bug which caused Followers to sometimes become idle in combat

Fixed an issue which prevented Followers from being dismissed while they were incapacitated in battle

Fixed an issue which allowed pets and Followers to be attacked immediately after exiting a portal

Diablo III is now available on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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