Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom Guide | How To Unlock The Invoker Archetype and Disciple Armor

Here’s how you can unlock The Invoker Archetype and find the Disciple Armor in Remnant 2: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Mar 16, 2025

This guide will walk you through how to get the new invoker archetype and discipline armor in the Forgotten Kingdom DLC for Remnant 2. The armor is especially tricky but simple to unlock, so follow through.

Finding the Location

Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Invoker Archetype and Disciple Armor, Screenshot, NoobFeed

You will be able to get this once you're through to the second stage of the new area, Glittering Grotto. You will enter the area and move forward to find a lever. Pull this, and the big statue in the middle of the area will lower. 

Take the elevator behind you to the right, down, and follow the spiral staircase and ladders down to the bottom.

Getting the Disciple Armor

You will find a room half filled with sand and arrow traps. Make your way across avoiding the arrows and you will find the disciple armor set.

Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Invoker Archetype and Disciple Armor, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Unlocking the Invoker Archetype

Once you have retrieved the disciple armor set, turn around and enter the Trap room again. Head left to where two piles of sand are. Between these two piles of Sand, you will not be hit because the arrow mechanisms aren't working here. 

Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Invoker Archetype and Disciple Armor, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Wait 5 minutes and you will see an animation of being sucked down into the sand and you will hear the death scream but you won't see you are dead scream.

Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Invoker Archetype and Disciple Armor, Screenshot, NoobFeed

You will now wake up in a secret room with the old flute. Now all you have to do is take this back to Wallace in Ward 13 and you will have the invoker archetype.

Also, check our Remnant II Review and other guides below:


Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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