Diablo III Is Getting A New Class
2017 will be quite a necromantic year for Diablo III.
News by Woozie on Nov 04, 2016
Blizzcon is in full swing and with it comes an announcement regarding Diablo III. People who will have been expecting a full on expansion, will be somewhat disappointed as the announcement focuses on the Rise of the Necromancer Pack. The content pack, set to release sometime next year, will introduce a new class, the Necromancer. Apart from the playable class, the pack will also contain character slots and a handful of cosmetic items.
Blizzard have stated that the upcoming class is very much inspired from the Diablo II variant. In terms of lore, we're talking entirely new Nephalem. In order to have access to the new class you have to own both Diablo III and its expansion, Reaper of Souls, if you're a PC gamer, or the Ultimate Evil Edition if you're playing on console. The pack, coming sometime next year, has not been priced as of yet. It's the first time the series recieves a new class without an expansion. Constant patching and seaons have revigorated the game quite a bit, however, one has to wonder for how long Diablo III can be a viable platform for new class packs, should more come in the future. What do you think? Are you looking forward to the Necromancer or were you rather expecting a new expansion or, why not, a new installment in the series?
You can take a look at the dedicated page for the Rise of the Necromancer Class Pack here.
Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls Review
Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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