Horizon Forbidden West New Patch Includes Always Off HUD, Fixes, and Photo Mode Improvements

Horizon Forbidden West improves performance and adds new gameplay options

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 09, 2022

Horizon Forbidden West has a new patch, fixing issues, adding an always-off UI, improved performance, and more.

Horizon Forbidden West,NoobFeed,

We are currently looking into several issues reported by the community. Please note that these issues are not yet fixed in this patch, but our teams are investigating them with high priority.

In this patch, the team have made several tweaks to vegetation to improve image quality in the Favor Performance mode. Please let us know your feedback. The team will continue to investigate reported graphical issues regarding shimmering, sharpening and screen saturation.

Some players have reported that the Firegleam icons do not get removed from the map after interacting with them; this will be fixed soon!

Some players have reported that certain music tracks keep repeating during their playthrough. We have included a partial fix to prevent this issue from happening in patch 1.06, but are still looking into a fix for players who are experiencing this issue. If you encounter this, please use the Support Form to submit a video of where and when the music can be heard.



Main Quests

Fixed an issue in main quest ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the quest would not progress correctly if the second shuttle cable connector was shot first.

Fixed an issue in main quest ‘Reach for the Stars’ where the player could exit the play space.

Fixed an issue in main quest ‘The Embassy’ where rushing back through the Barren Light gate during The Embassy will get the player stuck in Barren Light.

Fixed an issue in main quest “Death’s Door” where the player could summon their mount in an underground location.

Fixed an issue in main quest “Death’s Door” where the player cannot interact with a console.

Fixed an issue in main quest ‘The Sea of Sands’ where the objective to craft the diving mask updated incorrectly, blocking progression.

Fixed an issue in main quest ‘Thebes’ where the player could squeeze through a gap in geometry near the Underwater Powerplant and fall out of the world.

Side Quests

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘Breaking Even’ where the player could not talk to Porguf to turn in the quest if Talanah was also present in Camp Nowhere.

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘Shadow in the West’ where reloading a save could respawn the player outside of an enclosed combat space.

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘Blood Choke’ where Atekka could be idling unresponsively outside Thornmarsh if the player approached from a certain direction.

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘A Soldier’s March’ where Penttoh could become unresponsive while moving towards the mountain peak, thus blocking progression.

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘The Second Verse’ where the “Talk to Zo” objective does not update after abandoning the side quest midway.

Fixed an issue in side quest ‘Nights of Lights’ where the “Gather the Gizmo” objective does not update.

World Activities

Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where in rare cases the race did not start after completing a practice run.

Fixed an issue in Gauntlet races where coming in last place could count as a win.

Fixed an issue in Gauntlet Run: The Stillsands, where the player could be directed to play the Activity before the Activity can be started.

Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the quest would sometimes not complete correctly.

Fixed an issue with the Elusive Fanghorn salvage contract where the machine trails would not show if the player fast traveled away during the objective.

Fixed an issue with the ‘Ravager Cannon’ salvage contract where the objective did not update correctly if the player detached one of the cannons with a high damage, high tear attack.

Fixed an issue with the Eastern Lie Regalla camp where loading a save made at the campfire would place Aloy at a different campfire.

Fixed an issue in Salvage Contract Ancient Relics, where the “Gather Ancient Relics” objective would stay stuck on 2/3.

Fixed an issue in Regalla Camp Devil’s Grasp where enemies may not respawn after reloading a save game during the “Kill the Rebel Leader” objective.

Fixed an issue in Rebel Outpost Jagged Deep where the player could teleport across the map when reloading a save game.

Fixed an issue in Sunken Cavern: The Gouge, where the player could swim through a gap in the cave wall.


Added an ‘Always Off’ option for weapons & ammo, and tools & potions in the Custom HUD options.

Fixed several outfit icons that used the incorrect assets in the inventory menu.

Fixed an issue with the map where unnatural movement would occur when centering the view on the player or a quest objective.


Added smoother transition between Tropospheric and Cirrus cloud layers, and better matching of the coloring of the supercell Anvil and Cirrus clouds.

Fixed an issue with the Very Large Array Tallneck where the model would display low level detail at a certain distance.

Made multiple tweaks to vegetation to improve image quality in the Favor Performance mode.

Fixed an instance of flickering white lights in main quest ‘Death’s Door’.

Improved stability of depth of field during cinematics.

Reduced stepping artifacts from SSAO in extreme closeup situations

Reduced changes to saturation on motion blur.

Improved quality and stability of shadows.

Improved quality of grass in specific situations.

Performance and Stability

Multiple crash fixes.

Fixed several instances where NPCs and textures would visibly stream in on PS4™ when the player approached a settlement at high speed.

Fixed several instances where loading screens or black screens would trigger unintentionally.

Fixed an issue with streaming after the end credits sequence was skipped.

Photo Mode improvements

Increased precision in precision mode to allow for much more control when orienting and moving the camera, especially when using long focal lengths and large apertures.

The minimum focus distance has been reduced to 5cm allowing for more creative shots and macro photography.

Changed the film back to 35mm full frame, for more clear focal length and DOF translation, and more intuitive selection of focal lengths for virtual photographers.

Added many more focal lengths to cover the range between 10mm and 300mm in 35mm full frame allowing for more creative expressions.

Added a FoV match for the default camera.

Increased the radius that photographers can use around Aloy from 5 to 10 meters.

Various small quality of life improvements.

The Auto Focus rectangle and the Rule of Third grid are now hidden when using the Hide UI option.

Fixed an issue where a moire effect could be visible on characters’ skin during close-up shots.


Fixed a camera collision issue that would sometimes occur when the player was mounted and maneuvering near obstacles of a certain height.

Fixed several animation issues with NPCs in settlements.

Slightly increased the ammo cost of the Propelled Spike weapon technique for game balance reasons.

Fixed an instance where Aloy could get stuck inside geometry in the Memorial Grove settlement when trying to jump out through a gap in the wall.

Fixed an issue where the game would appear to hang briefly after skipping through the end credits sequence.

Fixed an issue where the PS5 Operating System “Game Presets” difficulty would override the difficulty level in-game.

Fixed an issue where interactable objects would sometimes lose collision, causing the player to fall through the object.

Fixed an issue where the player might fall through the world when fast traveling while on a mount.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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