Humankind Launching Day One with Xbox Game Pass for PC

Game Pass getting another Day 1 launch title with Humankind

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 09, 2021

Humankind is an upcoming civilization RTS that is now coming to Xbox Game Pass on day 1.


This is the latest launch title from a major publisher to release on Microsoft's Game Pass service. Other previous games included Outriders from Square Enix, highlighting the incredible value Game Pass provides to its customers.

To create your unique civilization, combine 60 historical cultures from the Ancient, to the Modern Era. Each of those cultures will bring a unique layer creating  near-endless outcomes. You’ll further customize your civilization with every deed you accomplish and moral choice you make. Everything you do builds your fame, and the player with the most fame will win the game.

Show off your strategic skills in deep tactical battles, make scientific breakthroughs and build a sprawling empire. You will need to decide what civilization you will shape and mastermind a strategy to leave the deepest mark on the world.

Humankind is set for an August 17th release.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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