Alan Wake 2 Guide | All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods

Here's everything you need to know on how to find all collectibles in Return 5: Old Gods, Alan Wake 2.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Feb 19, 2025

Cult Stashes, Lunchboxes, Nursery Rhyme Puzzles, Maps, Weapons, and Charms make up some of the many you will discover throughout Alan Wake 2, Return 5: Old Gods. In this piece, you will discover where you can find them and how you can obtain them.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Cult Stashes and Puzzles in the Woods

The first Cult Stash is northeast of the Break room. To access this one, finish the Memory Puzzle using the flashing light. Then, you will find the next Nursery Rhyme Puzzle east from where you were. 

To finish this one, set the Mother Dowel over the house outline and the Child Dowel over the outline for the trees. This will reward you with the Lantern Charm, placed centrally upon the path forward.

Before heading towards the nursing home, head south for the next Cult Stash, which is beside a truck. This one is behind the truck and can only be opened using Code 177. Up the hill beyond the wooden steps is where you can find the next available Lunchbox.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Valhalla Nursing Home Collectibles

Once inside the Valhalla Nursing Home, turn right into the room next door. A Map is on the table, and beside it is the Lunchbox. In the room next door, the Koskela Commercial collectible is on the television set in the recreation room. 

In this direction, you will head towards the Wellness Center, where you will find the next Map hanging in the doorway.

The Hunting Rifle, placed against the workbench, is one useful tool for this room. In order for you to gain entry to this room, you need to unlock the door through the computer, press the Doorknob, and use it to unlock the workshop door.

Another Lunchbox is next to the old house after exiting the west-side gate using the bolt cutters. You can also visit the nearby Cult Stash, which is behind the wooden platform using the key.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Ranger Station - Collectible Bonus

As you head towards the Ranger Station, you will find yourself encountering another Cult Stash, highlighted by the presence of yellow arrows. This stash has its passcode located on the note placed under the lid. 

Continuing forward is another Nursery Rhyme Puzzle, requiring the Child Dowel from the house drawing and the Monster Dowel from the candy drawing. This will reward you with the Coffee Mug Charm, one you can find upstairs, located in one of the washrooms.

Another Cult Stash is also placed behind the house, with the door located behind the fireplace. Be careful—there is an ambush here. Two Lunchboxes are nearby on raised terrain. A third Nursery Rhyme appears soon after, utilizing all the dowels (Child, Mother, and Monster). 

Completing this spawns Valhalla Nursing Home Charm near a small boat.  Be prepared for enemy encounters in this section.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Billy's Boatyard, Town Collectible

Another Lunchbox is also located behind the right side when you head towards the direction of Billy's Boatyard. 

Another one of the Puzzles for the Nursery Rhyme can also be located on the dock of the boatyard. Mother Dowel is sitting on the wave sketching, and the Monster Dowel is sitting on the boat. This one will provide you with the Anchor Charm, possibly next to the overturned boat.

A Cult Stash is also located outside the Palace Lodge. Another flashlight challenge is required. There is another stash further along Harbor Street, and you can access it through the closing gate using the bolt cutters. This passcode is 697, and the stash contains the Inventory Upgrade inside. 

Another Cult Stash, located by the alleyway beside the Oh Deer Diner, requires bolt cutters again. This stash has a symbol lock, which can be decoded by using the clues found on-site.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Return 5: Old Gods, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Watery and Cauldron Lake Collectible 

Backtrack through Watery using the bolt cutters and the screwdriver. The Deer Dowels and the Elder can also provide a solution for the nursery rhyme, which will provide the Father Charm. Another Stash for the cult can also be seen alongside the Night Workshop, which can only be opened using the code 542

A Nursery Rhyme Puzzle can also be retrieved from the front door in Cabin 4. Order the Monster, Crow, and Hero Dowels correctly for the next Coffee Charm. A Lunchbox can be retrieved from the back door for Cabin 2. 

A Cult Stash can be retrieved southeast from the said spot, and the clue is the yellow "2" figure stamped onto the trunk of the nearby tree by the northern end of the area. 

The final set is also available from the Witchfinder Station. This one will require you to listen for the clue. Place the father dowel under the icon for the eye, the hero under the icon for the sun, and the mother under the icon for the heart. 

Place the Child Dowel under the icon for the egg and the Trickster Dowel under the icon for the wave. This will unlock the slot for the Fourth Charm Slot, allowing you more powerful upgrades.

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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