Scarlet Nexus Demo Coming to Xbox Consoles First, New Gameplay Released

New footage for Scarlet Nexus revealed

News by Grayshadow on  May 12, 2021

Bandai Namco's next big title is Scarlet Nexus and while limited footage has been revealed about the upcoming title today Game Informer got some new gameplay. Along with a demo coming soon to Xbox first.

Scarlet Nexus,NoobFeed,

?Demo Sequence Initiated?

Are you ready, OSF Cadets? Prepare to take the lead and fight the Others when the #SCARLETNEXUS demo arrives.

Play it first on Xbox Series X|S, coming soon.

— Scarlet Nexus (@scarlet_nexus) May 12, 2021

The trailer highlights various combat situations as the protagonist synergizes with their allies for combo attacks. It's similar to other active combat systems like Kingdom Hearts or Astral Chain but a bit slower. This works to the game's advantage to create a sense of momentum in the strikes you perform.

The commenters provide more insight into the game's social functions. Players can create relationships with various allies and build on those.

Scarlet Nexus will launch on June 25, 2021, for Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and Series S.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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