Dynasty Warriors: Origins Guide | Battle of Xu Province

This guide covers the Battle of Xu Province in Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Jan 29, 2025

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a bold step in this beloved series, deviating from traditional norms of the hack-and-slash genre while maintaining its iconic appeal.

This guide covers the Battle of Xu Province. Each stage presents its own challenges. I’ll break down each stage, offering tips and strategies to help you navigate through them efficiently. 

Dynasty Warrior: Origins, PC, Gameplay, Battle of Xu Province, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Battle of Xu Province

This battle is one of the tougher stages, not because of the main objective but because of ally management. The main goal is simple: defeat Zhao Yun before he reaches Sun Ce. However, keeping your allies alive is where the challenge lies. If they fall, morale plummets, making the battle significantly harder.

Dynasty Warrior: Origins, PC, Gameplay, Battle of Xu Province, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Step-by-Step Strategy:

  1. Ignore Zhongliang in the center of the map. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have a set amount of time before they retreat, so there is no immediate risk of losing this section.
  2. Head straight to the bottom-middle base. This is where Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan will eventually move, and they will need backup. If they are attacked by reinforcements, they may die, leading to a major morale drop.
  3. Once the middle base is secured, move to the base below it and capture that one, too. This helps maintain morale and prevents allies from getting overwhelmed.
  4. By now, Guan Yu will have likely retreated, allowing you to move north. If possible, try to assist Sun Ce, but if you don’t make it in time, focus on preparing for Zhao Yun’s arrival.
  5. Zhao Yun will spawn in the top-right corner. You can either wait for him or eliminate nearby enemies while waiting.
  6. As soon as Zhao Yun arrives, defeat him quickly. Immediately after his defeat, Zhang Fei will appear as your next objective.
  7. Rush over to Zhang Fei and take him down before he causes problems. If Zhang Fei kills Yu Jin, your morale will take a major hit, making the rest of the battle more difficult.
  8. At this point, Sun Ce will be under attack by multiple enemies. Rush to his side and eliminate the threats to keep him safe.
  9. Once Sun Ce is secured, assist Yu Jin near the front gate. Even though he is not a primary target, leaving him alone for too long can lead to unnecessary losses.

After handling all these objectives, the hardest part of the stage is over, and you should be able to complete it without too much trouble.

Xu Province demands careful ally management. By following these strategies, you’ll maximize your chances of success and prevent unnecessary morale losses. Good luck on the battlefield!

Also, check our DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Review and other guides below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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