Persona 3 Reload Guide | Best Odin Build

Everything you need to know on how to have the best Odin build in Persona 3 Reload.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Jan 26, 2025

There are a lot of Personas in Persona 3 Reload, which can get a little overwhelming. One that stands out is Odin. He is one of the few characters who can acquire Thunder Reign, a skill that causes heavy electric damage. He is an incredible powerhouse and a beast of an electrically inclined persona.

Skills You Need for Odin

  • Thunder Reign
  • Mind Charge
  • Elec Amp
  • Elec Boost
  • Shock Boost
  • Drain Wind
  • Spell Master

Why Choose These Specific Skills?

Persona 3 Reload Guide , Why Choose These Specific Skills?

You have the severe-tier skills above your heavy-tier Dyne skills. Odin is a great powerhouse because he is one of the few people who can master the severe electric skill. His vulnerability to the wind is covered with Drain Wind.

If you don't have Drain wind, At the very least, you can modify it for other resistance skills, but you require him to utilize drain wind, which is useful for resisting wind. Since Thunder Reign requires a lot of SP but only costs 23 SP with Spell Master, Spell Master is necessary.

Fusion Recipe Generator and Tips

Persona 3 Reload Guide , Fusion Recipe Generator and Tips

All you have to do is enter the desired skills, and the fusion recipe will be created appropriately. 

The skills you need: 

  • Thunder Reign
  • Elec Amp
  • Concentrate
  • Spell Master
  • Elec Boost
  • Drain Wind
  • Shock Boost
  • Mazionga

If you'd like, you can replace Shock Boost with another ability. Firm Stance, which is used in some builds, reduces damage by half. Mazionga is a fantastic substitute because Thunder Reign is a single-target ability, which makes having an AoE electric move helpful. This can be altered to suit your needs. 

After entering the skills, you must choose from the following: healing, support, or passive skills. The generator then displays the lowest-level Persona capable of learning each talent while suggesting components. Make sure you have enough cash because the generator doesn't show the cost of fusion.

Fusion Odin Correctly

Persona 3 Reload Guide , Fusion Odin Correctly

  • Fuse Thunderbird and Succubus to create Mithra, inheriting Shock Boost.
  • Fuse Mithra and Suzaku to create Lilith, inheriting Shock Boost.
  • Level Lilith to 72 to learn Drain Wind.
  • Fuse Barong and Pixie to create Shiisaa.
  • Fuse Shiisaa and Clotho to create Kikuri-Hime.
  • Fuse Kikuri-Hime and Lilith with Drain Wind to create Odin.
  • Replacing Skills After Fusing
  • Replace Mazionga with Elec Amp.
  • Replace Marakunda with Concentrate.
  • Replace Primal Force with Spell Master.

Also check out our Persona 3 Reload Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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