Hearts of Iron IV Guide | Cheat Codes & Console Commands

Sometimes, Console Commands make Hearts of Iron IV a lot more fun to play.

Game Guide by Arne on  Jan 19, 2025

Hearts of Iron 4 is a great grand strategy game, and the whole thing with leading the nation, commanding armies, and so on are great ways to enjoy the game. However, sometimes you are playing very casually or just want to mess around. Whatever the reason, a little help goes a long way in making that happen.

Hearts of Iron IV, Console Commands, Cheat Codes, Gameplay, Noobfeed

It should be noted that using console commands might have unintended effects on your game. These can range from commands not working to your game crashing. For this reason, you should always save your game before using a command. Some commands also affect AI and might just end up giving them a bigger boost. For this reason, you should also keep the game paused at all times when using console commands.

It should also be noted that most of these console commands that are implied to be toggleable can be turned off or on by just using it again.

How to Open the Console

To open the console, you need to press the tilde key. This is the key that is usually above the Tab key or below the Esc key. It has a ~ and ` symbol on it. If you can't find it or don't have a tilde key, use the §, ~, \, `, "keys. The actual key varies based on your keyboard layout.

Console Commands

Manpower: Typing 'manpower' adds 10 million manpower to your nation. If you want to keep things somewhat balanced, you can type in an amount to add that exact amount of manpower, such as 'manpower 10000,' which adds 10k manpower.

Instant Construction: To instantly construct structures and ships, you can use 'ic'. This affects AI, so pause the game before you use it. Pressing it again disables it. You can instantly construct ships as well, but you need to wait until a day passes after using the command. To make sure the AI doesn't get too much use out of it. Pause right before the 24th-hour mark and slow down the game. Pause and disable as soon as the date changes to the next day.

Fog of War: Typing 'fow' will disable all fog of war on the map, revealing all units everywhere.

Focus Research: 'focus.autocomplete' allows you to instantly research a focus. If you have focuses that have different prerequisites or triggers. You can use 'focus.ignoreprerequisites' and 'focus.nochecks' to disable those. You need to use it before clicking on a focus.

Tech Research: 'research all' will let you research all techs instantly. 'Research_on_icon_click' will let you research specific techs. 

Political Power: Typing 'pp' will give you 1000 Political Power. You can get a specific amount by putting a number after it.

XP: typing 'xp' will give you max army, navy, and air experience. Again, you can get a specific amount by putting a number after it.

Command Power: typing 'cp' followed by the amount will give you the desired command power.

Leader Experience: while having a selected general or admiral, typing 'gain_xp' followed by a number gives them the desired amount of experience.

War Support: Doing 'add_war_support' or 'ws' lets you add the desired amount of war support to your nation.

Diplomacy: 'allowdiplo' enables all diplomatic actions. 'Yesman' and 'ai_accept' make the ai always say yes to your diplomatic moves.

Nukes: 'debug_nuking' will allow you to nuke all of the provinces without having met any conditions.

Naval Invasions: Typing 'instant_prepare' will instantly prepare any naval invasions.

AI: Turns AI on/off.

Ideology: 'set_ruling party' will let you set the ruling party once you add the code for that party. These can be 'democratic', 'communism', 'fascism', 'neutrality'. So:

  • To change to a fascist party, write: set_ruling_party fascism
  • To change to a communist party, write: set_ruling_party communism
  • To change to a democratic party, write: set_ruling_party democratic
  • To change to a non-aligned party, write: set_ruling_party neutrality

Party Popularity: To change party popularity, type 'add_party_popularity' followed by their ideology and amount. Same as before, these can be 'democratic', 'communism', 'fascism', 'neutrality'. So:

  • To add 15% popularity to a fascist party, write: add_party_popularity fascism 15
  • To add 55% popularity to a communist party, write: add_party_popularity communism 55
  • To add 20% popularity to a democratic party, write: add_party_popularity democratic 20
  • To remove 20% popularity to a non-aligned party, write: add_party_popularity neutrality -20

Ownership: To change the owner of a state, you can do 'setowner' followed by the tag and state ID. So it can be something like 'setowner ENG 1' giving state 1 to Britain. Or 'setowner GER 5' giving state 5 to Germany. Each state has a unique number to it.

Civil War: Typing 'civilwar' starts a civil war in the country. You can change the ideology by typing it after the civil war and targeting it to a specific nation by typing their tag. So it'll look something like 'civil war neutrality GER'; this starts a non-aligned civil war in germany.

Equipment: To add the latest equipment, you can type 'ale' or 'add_latest_equipment' followed by the amount. This will add all the latest equipment available to you. Typing 'ae or 'add_equipment' followed by the type of equipment will add that specific equipment to your inventory.

Stability: Typing 'sp' or 'stability' followed by a number adds or removes that percentage of stability in your nation.

Nation Unity: Typing 'nu' followed by a number adds or removes that amount of National Unity in your nation.

White Peace: type' white peace' followed by the tag of the nation to white peace with them. You can use it even when you are at peace with the nation, but it does nothing.

Nukes: You can add nukes to your country by typing 'nuke' followed by the amount of nukes.

Changing nations: To change your nation, type 'Tag' followed by the nation tag. You can use this to change the stability or other attributes of a nation.

Annexing: Typing 'annex' followed by the nation tags will annex that nation. If it is a big nation, you might lag a lot. So make sure to save before using this.

Puppeting: Typing 'puppet' followed by the tag of the country who will be the puppeteer, and the tag of the country who will become the puppet does all that. So, for example:

  • 'puppet ENG GER' turns Germany into a puppet of Britain.

Opinion: To add an opinion, you can type 'add_opinion' followed by the tag. This adds 100 opinions to and from the tag you use.

Debug Mode: To find out country tags, state, and province IDs, you can type 'tdebug' to find all the nation's stats. If you hover over the nation, province, or state, you'll be able to see a bunch of information about that place. Among them, you will find the Tag, State ID, and province ID.

Oil: To add fuel, type 'fuel' followed by the amount. The amount is capped by the amount of storage you have.

Cores: Typing 'Add_core' followed by the state ID adds that state to your cores.

Resistance: type 'resistance' to add resistance in the selected province by a set amount

Compliance: type 'compliance' while selecting a province to add compliance to that province by the same amount.

Check out our Hearts of Iron IV: Götterdämmerung DLC review and other guides below:

Mezbah Turzo

Editor, NoobFeed

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