Tormented Souls - Gas Puzzle

Grab the gas, drain the water, save your sister

Game Guide by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2021

Tormented Souls' final major puzzle is the gas line puzzle. You need gas for the generator, and here's how to get it.

Tormented Souls, NoobFeed, Gas

First, the screw-on metal caps are generally located in the same areas. Such as the save room Bunker 2C for 1 of them. There are 3 in total, but they're scattered around, and you'll have to look for them. This goes the same for the gas container. They are not hard to locate, and as long as you scan the area, you'll be fine.

Once you have the tools, use the image above to create a solid gas flow. Attach the metal caps and make sure the valves are correctly turned. Place the gas container by the pump, but make sure you open it by examining the item. Once the gas is flowing, close the container, head to the generator, pour in the gas after removing the lid, and pull the handle until the generator starts.

Also, check our Tormented Souls Review and other guides below:

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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