Tormented Souls - Master Key Guide (How to Unlock All the Doors)

What's the combination

Game Guide by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2021

After saving Anna from the cell, you'll get access to a combination key with 1 missing part. This part can be found in the Boiler Room by the washing machine on the bottom floor or inside Basement West by the toilets.

Once fixed you can open the various doors across the manor but still require a combination.

Here they are.

Tormented Souls,NoobFeed,


Square Triangle Star

Tormented Souls,NoobFeed,

East Wing Corridor

Star Triangle Hexagon

Tormented Souls,NoobFeed,

West Wing Corridor

Pentagon Triangle Circle

Tormented Souls,NoobFeed,

Dining Room

Square Hexagon Pentagon

Also, check our Tormented Souls Review and other guides below:

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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